
Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Lose Weight with the Law of Attraction

Can I use The Law of Attraction to lose weight? Absolutely!

Have you ever wondered why some people can just eat and eat and eat and NEVER get fat? Your friends or family may have told you its because of their metabolism and its different to yours.

Not exactly an encouraging statement to say the least. Well what weve just proven is that food has no direct impact on the size of your waist! Ive known people who have literally stuffed their faces at parties, eaten monstrous sized meals and have sat around watching TV all day long whilst they miraculously burn off the fat.

But why cant I be like that? Whats so different?

What you believe to be true is.
What you accept as truth is.

If youve been bombarded with statements such as:

If you eat that, youll get fat
Obesity is genetic and cant be controlled
Its hard to lose weight

Depending on how you react when you heard these statements is dependant upon how your body will react. Every one of your cells responds to your thoughts and emotions. If youre feeling fearful about putting on more weight then your cells will respond accordingly. If you believe that because you are a couch potato or a computer geek, your lack of exercise will cause you to become fat! Dont be surprised when it happens. Do you believe that eating the large fries instead of small is going to probably make you fat? Youre probably already gaining weight. Our beliefs, thoughts and expectations firmly dictate our reality. So if you want to change your reality, first you need to change your thoughts.

Your thoughts can easily manipulate your reality, what could you possibly have more control over than your own physical body!

Your thoughts around your own bodily image and thoughts associated with food is what have determined your bodily shape. Every time that you look in the mirror and see something unwanted you send a powerful message to the Law of Attraction asking for more of it. Your cells react to this way of thinking and within a few months youve managed to gain an extra inch around your waist!

By feeding negative energy into your bodily image, you will undoubtedly attract more things to feel disgust and displeasure around your body.

When you see yourself in the mirror, stop judging yourself and begin loving yourself and your body. Your body carries you around, and you should be grateful that you have one at all! Do your very best to accept your body as it is right now, and decide that you would like to change it in order to give yourself a happier, healthier existence. Make a list of what you do want to experience regarding your body and only give your attention to the things you write on your list.

Accept your body in the mirror, and stop snarling and judging yourself. When you love your body, then naturally your body will feel better and will become healthier. As this happens your body will naturally shift to fit the image that you are holding in your mind: a healthier, thinner body. You will never lose weight while you judge yourself fat.

See yourself thin and beautiful. In no time at all, your cells will respond to your new thoughts around your body. Stick with it and enjoy watching the fat drip away!

Gary Evans is a Law of Attraction practitioner, author and owner of the company Good To Feel Good. Gary is dedicated to helping you attract anything you desire through successful application of the Law of Attraction.

Get your free copy of Gary's 7 Proven Steps To Success e-course by visiting:

Buddha Nature


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