
Friday, May 30, 2008

The Law of Attraction and the Necessity of Choosing Good Thoughts

In this mind control moment I invite you to think about the necessity of choosing good thoughts. Depending on the research studies you review, it is estimated that during the course of one single day we have somewhere between 15,000 to 60,000 thoughts. Many of which "fly under our radar".

These same studies would suggest that of those thoughts close to 80% are negative in some way or form. Wow!. Think about this for a moment. If we do in fact have 60,000 thoughts per day that would mean 48,000 would surface in some negative form. STOP right now. What is the first thing going through your mind?... This is silly, Who cares, I love chocolate, I hate my hair, I feel amazing, I feel fat, I wish I had more money... the list could go on. Be honest with yourself. No one has to know what the first thing that came to mind was... Interesting, isn't it. The research appears to be correct. Now think about your current life situation or work experience. Do the "automatic" thoughts and experiences line up. My experience would suggest they do. So, if you are feeling good, having good thoughts (how ever that would be defined) and tend to think about positive or "prosperous" things, it could be argued that your personal and work experience would likely be evaluated in that same positive manner. The point here is simple. What we feed our minds- in the form of thoughts, words, images, feelings ,and moods c2238an create our self image and this will be reflected in our experience of our life, day-by-day, whether that be good or bad. Given this framework it is very easy to see the connection between negative thoughts and negative outcomes.

By now, most everyone on the planet has heard about the Law of attraction. In very simple form it indicates that what you focus on, you receive, no exclusions. What you focus on you receive. Simple, right. Well in fact in many ways it is. Stop focusing on the negative. Change any negatives to positives. Work on seeing the good versus the bad or ugly. All simple suggestions, but ones that take conscious effort!

The trick here is being consistent, or least increasing the consistency with which you choose to have good thoughts whether they are related to wealth, relationships, health, abundance, career, or anything else that is important in your life.

I would bet that everyone reading this article would have at least one experience where they not only fed their minds good thoughts but that the outcome very shortly thereafter was positive. It is not a coincidence that when you feel happy, you also experience other happy people. When you feel good about yourself other respond to you in more favourable ways. This is the Law of Attraction at work, quietly, consistently, and methodically bringing forth exactly what you were focusing on. No questions, no effort, no strain. This is really the secret isn't it.

Your "assignment" going forward is to not only to remember the necessity of choosing good thoughts, but also to practice saying, thinking and feeling them as well! Good luck, and may you receive exactly what you think!

Dr. Richard Kercz is an Executive Behavioural Profiler, psycho-organizational consultant, motivational speaker and success coach on issues related to developing human potential in and out of organizations.

He has profiled over 2800 senior level executives across Canada and the United States and is considered a national expert on issues related to identifying, selecting, and developing high performers in all walks of life.

He has an active Email/Tele-Coaching practice working with clients on issues related to effective leadership, work success, work-life balance, prosperity consciousness, stress management, career development, and developing human potential.

He can be reached directly via email at

Successfull Living


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