
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Law Of Attraction - Why Most Of The Metaphysical Stuff Out There Doesn't Work

Here it is: it's because you really don't want to change. I don't want to change. People, in general, don't really want to change. Yeah, it's that simple.

Most systems work for somebody, up to a point. However, most systems don't work for most people.

You can usually find where a program s5B4tops working for you by looking at what was going on when you lost interest. Yes, haul out all those books and tape and CD sets. You probably started out with enthusiasm, doing the exercises and really thinking about the content. But if you're like most people, there will be some point where you felt less excited, you started skimping on the exercises or maybe quit reading or listening altogether.

This is why there's that workshop bump - you go to a workshop and (since you paid for it!) you hang on till the end. You actually feel like you've changed, that great things are going to happen from now on.

But a few weeks later, just like in the sitcoms, everything is "back to last Thursday."

Why the heck is that?

Chances are, when you get right down to it, you like being you. And you resist change because you won't be you anymore.

Your personal self-help-system archaeology can help. Look at where you usually stop. Is there something in common? I tend to drop a system when the author's personal judgements about what kind of changes I should be making kick in.

I remember reading a beautiful little gem of a book with wonderful visualizations; later I wondered why I'd never finished it, and went back to it and found the bookmark. It was right about where the author said you shouldn't visualize for anything that wasn't for the highest good, and it couldn't be just something selfish, it had to be in service to o5B4thers too.

Gahh! It's not that I don't want what I want to also work out for others, it's just that it's not my job to decide what's best for anyone but me. And it's certainly not up to the author to decide (which he did, at length) what sort of things one should be all visualizy about, and what sort of things were off-limits.

Foo. Ruined a perfectly good pile-o-techniques, at least for me.

Now, that's me, that's the kind of thing I react to. If I think I'm being pushed, that a teacher or author has a particular agenda that they're not totally upfront about, I check out. Your mileage will vary, but if you're having problems making a system stick for you, look around for your own check-out triggers.

Now, let's get back to identity. You don't want to change who you are? That's good news! Many self-help programs start with the implicit belief that you're a pathetic loser in one way or another. If you resist that sad idea, that's healthy, normal self-esteem.

And who really is this you that you're protecting so fiercely? Are you the same you you were at age 6? I know if I time-traveled to my 16-year-old self, and I happened to be wearing my geeky biking clothes and silly helmet, my proto-goth-angsty-wiccan-teenage self would certainly not claim me as her future self! But here I am, and I'm still me.

Along the way, my sense of self expanded to include more possibilities. I didn't always582 see them coming, but when the time was right, the changes made sense. So I'm still me, just a me who's capable of writing working computer programs as well as terrible poetry.

The key to successful change is to realize that you are not a singular you, but a serial you who makes changes all the time without losing your essential I-ness. You can still be you, but a you who is you... and more.

To make a lasting change, become comfortable with the self you will be when you make the change. Claim that self as your own. And if you want to use a book, a system, or a guru, make sure that you feel comfortable with the information. If it's something that stretches your boundaries, that seems to not be you-today, but a you can see yourself as you-tomorrow, maybe it's worth trying.

Best of all, take the techniques that work for you; leave the rest. Don't expect any one system to miraculously change you - that's not what you want, after all. All you need is to find you own path. All the bits of things you find that work? That's just help along the way.

My life is just the way I want it - and it keeps getting better! How about yours? Where do you want to be? You can read my Cosmic Ordering Blog at Blogspot, my 36FCosmic Ordering Wordpress blog, or take a look at my Cosmic Ordering Squidoo lens.

Rise Of Mahayana Buddhism


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