
Friday, May 30, 2008

Money & The Law Of Attraction

Firstly, your creed should always be: "Abundance is My Natural Birthright".

As inhabitants of our beautiful planet, all we have to do is look around to see that abundance is our natural birthright. Nature is magnificently abundant; rich in color, growth and expansion. There is no scarcity on this planet, except that which exists in our minds.

The belief in scarcity is fundamentally unsound, yet it persists throughout society. All wars, crimes, vandalism, and poverty exist purely due to the belief in scarcity. On an individual level, extensive research has shown that money is the primary issue about which most couples argue. Consumer debt is the highest it's ever been. Ninety-five percent of businesses close down within their first five years of operation. All this is due to the solitary reason that we believe there is not enough to go around. Not enough money, love, opportunities, resources, or time.

We often justify our lack by making abundance wrong. "Money causes greed". "It's not spiritual to be rich". If we believe that rich people are greedy or non-spiritual then we automatically prevent ourselves from tapping into our vast resources of creativity to become wealthy. Money does not cause greed - scarcity does. It is only when we think that there is not enough to be shared by all, that we resort to arguing and fighting over money or other perceived 'scarce' resources. A Course In Miracles states, "In a world of scarcity, love is meaningless and peace is impossible".So why do we allow ourselves to believe in scarcity and lead meager or purposeless lives?

Carl Jung (1875-1961), the Swiss psychologist and former colleague of Sigmund Freud, broke away from Freudian psychoanalysis over the issue of the 'unconscious mind'. Jung was one of the first Westerners who introduced the world to the understanding of the three main levels of the mind: the conscious mind, the sub-conscious mind and the super-conscious or 'collective unconscious'. Combined with numerous research and empirical studies, we now know that the subconscious mind (which is divided into several layers) is actually designed to deliver what our conscious mind wants. The problem is, however, that our emotional memories are stored in the first level of the subconscious mind. These memories include all our negative beliefs, thoughts and past experiences. For example, when our conscious mind says, "I want a new car", the thought pattern is immediately sent to the subconscious to deliver a new car. If, however, there is a negative belief stored in the emotional layer of the subconscious that says "I don't deserve a new car", then the thought pattern is immediately rejected.

Although this is a simplistic example, it demonstrates how our unconscious negative patterns, thoughts and beliefs are responsible for creating limitation and scarcity. Therefore, if we eliminate these limiting beliefs about ourselves and our existences, there are virtually no limits to what we can have or do.

When we access the experiences that initially created the negative thou5B4ghts held in the subconscious mind and clear the blockages, then over time, as we clear the emotional layer, we eventually reach the blissful state of our super-consciousness, which is divine love, creativity, enlightenment and abundance.

Limiting beliefs and painful experiences gradually build up energy that becomes stuck. Think of something you would like but have had great difficulty in manifesting, and you will immediately feel this 'barrier' of energy. Feel its resistance. It often feels like a brick wall. This is simply compressed negative energy.

Robert Kiyosaki has said that you can only have in your life what your 'context' can contain. Context is like a container; content refers to what you can fit into the container. If your context is as small as a pebble then the content, or what you allow yourself to have, will be minuscule.There are two methods that we can use to eliminate the negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs that block abundance from entering our lives. They are called Subtractive and Additive processes. Subtractive processes include modalities such as breathwork, transcendental meditation, or past live regression. Additive processes include goal setting, creative visualisation, treasure mapping or affirmations. We need both in order to, firstly, eliminate the negative programming that is stored in our subconscious, and then secondly, use the additive processes to create new, positive thoughts and beli52Eefs.

When we follow a path that includes both subtractive and additive processes, we can live an abundant life. However, we must remind ourselves that this is a path, not a quick fix. We need to allow ourselves time and dedicate ourselves to a long-term commitment to love, joy and prosperity in all areas.

There is a wonderful quote from the book, "Creating Money" by S. Roman and D. Packer, which says, "It takes time for the new to come, and many of you quit too soon".

Copyright Ann M Marosy 2008. Ann Marosy is an accountant, consultant, motivational speaker and an ongoing student of philosophy. She was formally the Financial Controller of an Aust subsidiary of the Fortune 500 Company, Jardine Matheson; Finalist of SA Executive Woman of the Year and is the author of 'The Money Program: How to Manage the 6 Stages of Wealth' and 'Money & The Law of Attraction.

Visit her website at



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