
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why Did That Manifest?

Do you ever stop and ask yourself how or why you just manifested something completely unwanted?

The scratch on the car.

The negative person or situation.

The delayed mail you were expecting.

Whenever you stop and ask yourself "how did t5B4hat happen?", you may be completely correct in your initial assumptions. Maybe you were getting too attached the car and wanted it to look so nice that you manifested a scratch.

You could be correct. Then again, you might be no where near the truth of it.

By placing your attention on the "how's" and "why's" you're just giving more attention to the unwanted thing. When you give something your focus and attention for long periods of time, you're going to manifest more of what you're thinking about.

Instead of getting yourself all worked up by the unwanted circumstance, remove your attention from it and be OK with whatever has happened. If you observe anyone's life, be it a Zen master, a Law of Attraction guru or just your next door neighbour, you will quickly see that everyone, regardless of who they are, experience unwanted circumstances.

When you truly realize that no one lives a so called 'perfect' life, you can more easily let go of the bad things and start to see it as what life deals you. Life will constantly deal you all sorts of hands. Usually when bad things are happening, they happen to help you grow and to become more consciously aware. So in actual fact, you can begin to see all of these negatives as positives in the long run.

Once you've gotten yourself to the place where it doesn't matter whether you attract something unwanted or not, that is when you will begin truly living a life worth living.A99

Here's a couple of additional ways in which you can practice letting go of the "why's" when something unwanted happens to you next time...

Become Present - Live your life in this moment and not the past. It's easier said than done, but if you take a second to think about it, NOW is all you ever have. Yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. The only thing that exists is... right now. Right now is all that will ever exist.

Take your attention away from the past (what has happened) or the future (what will happen) and place your attention on NOW. When you live in the present, you have no use for thoughts that are in the past. So the question "why did that manifest?" won't even be of any significance to you since you're living in the present and not the past.

Observe Something Wanted - As I mentioned earlier in this article, by giving your attention to something UNWANTED, you will begin to attract more of it. One of the best ways to forget about unwanted things and to remove your attention from the unwanted things is to simply look at something you DO want or something you DO enjoy.

So in the example that your car got scratched, instead of focussing on the scratch, go inside the car where you can't see it and enjoy the inner surroundings of the car. Take it for a drive and enjoy the feelings you get from driving your car. Do whatever it takes to remove your attention from it (usually means separating yourself from the incident) and bring your attention to wanted things that you enjoy.

This will ultimately help you attract more of what you want, and less of what you don't.

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