
Friday, May 30, 2008

Use The Law of Attraction and the Powerful 9 Letter Word

One of the biggest challenges for most people working any home based business in the niche of Network Marketing, Direct Sales or Affiliate Marketing is attracting the right type of prospects. There is only one way to accomplish this goal and it is a nine letter word that is the lifeblood of your business literally. Meaning your business simply cannot survive without it. Despite this vital fact often times too many people simply ignore this 9 letter word and then wonder why they are not making any money in the long run.

This 9 nine letter word is so powerful it has taken numerous businesses to the top in the marketplace despite the fact that they may have had an inferior product. This 9 letter word is so important that if done effectively it doesnt even matter that your product is far from the best because with this 9 letter word you can still leave your competition in the dust when mastered and properly applied. History has proven this fact time and time again.

Im sure by now you are probably wondering what in the world this 9 letter word is. Right? Well this Powerful 9 letter word is called MARKETING! It is what will make or break any business literally.

Marketing includes all creative methods you utilize to promote your business. Take McDonalds franchise for example, Im sure you would agree they dont really sell the best and most healthy hamburgers in the fast food industry. Nevertheless they sell more hamburgers than any of their competition hands down. The reason is not because they necessarily sell the best and most healthy product. Instead it is because they have the best and most effective marketing that money can buy and have for many years.

Think about the fact that many kids nationwide know about and beg their parents to take them to McDonalds even before they are old enough to start school. McDonalds has branded and marketed the franchise name so well over the years it is now pretty much an American institution among numerous generations of people.

So when it comes to direct sales and network marketing wh5B4at does Marketing and the Law of Attraction have in common? Well in order to have huge success it is important to understand that the two actually work together like your right and left hand. If you would like to learn how the two can be combined to earn you some real money from home then be sure to click the link in my resource box at the bottom of my article.

By understanding some of the basic principles of the Law of Attraction along with effective Marketing, you are able to create a situation which attracts prospects to you and enable them to sell themselves. This is KEY to your success because people never want whats forced upon them. Remember we all love to buy but by the same token none of us likes to be sold period.

The most important principle of the Law of Attraction that you need to understand is the whole idea of giving and receiving meaning often times you have to sow before you can reap. For this reason it is important to have tools in place such an auto responder which will allow you to maintain communications with your prospects via email and consistently provide them with valuable information.

The most important thing for you to do is be able to build trust with your prospects. Why is this so important? You simply cannot build any type of business especially online without first establishing a certain level of trust with the actual people looking at what youre promoting.

Are you trust5B4worthy? Will you be available to provide support for them after the sale? How do I know I can believe what you are telling me? These are some of the real questions that go through your prospects minds while they are contemplating whether to choose you as their sponsor or buy something from you or not.

Perhaps a good analogy when trying to develop trust with your prospects is similar to the dating process between men and women. In most cases a man pursues a woman of his choice and he will have to establish a level of trust in order to get a second date. Of course over time he needs to do things to cultivate the relationship in order for it to blossom. Also in most cases the female does the choosing.

Likewise the prospect does the choosing in terms of joining your business or buying your product. You will need to do things to cultivate a business relationship to obtain long term customers or a team of productive people in your networking business. One very important thing you need is a way to keep in contact with your prospects meaning either their physical address or email address but preferably both.

An effective tool for marketing online is to have a lead capture page. This is a page where your prospect is able to read about your offer or opportunity, and based upon their interest people are able to fill out their contact information prior to being able to learn more about your offer or opportunity.

Lead captB68ure pages are vital for creating a list for which you can market your business to. Your lead capture page may be the first thing guests see when they turn up at the home page of your website so that your interested prospects can fill out the information to get access to your entire website.

Obtaining the Emails and Using Auto Responders - After you have the visitors' information you possess the know-how to cultivate an online business relationship with them. First, you have to begin this approach of developing an online business relationship with your prospective customer by implementing auto responders that will keep your prospective customers interested in what you have to offer them.

Auto responders are wonderful tools that you should be implementing because they will be consistently delivered to the prospect that filled out the information, which keeps your message or opportunity in front of your prospects. You can also adjust them so that the auto responder will fill in the prospect's given name.

Duplication and the Aim of Email Records - Once a visitor enters the form on your lead capture page it should be made clear that you will be including them in an email record where they may get priceless data and resources. Email lists work so well when used accurately because they provide the recipient the repetition of viewing your business name, which can produce a great brand name for you. This is also a nice way to develop trust with your potential clients, since with each email they obtain from you they should become considerably trustworthy of you and your business.

Some people are skeptical of online businesses, yet that has a tendency to diminish when they are a factor to a business' email list. Obviously, the main purpose of possessing and utilizing an email list is to generate more sales for your business. You may easily do this by providing your list users with informative resources, helpful information, and even concessions and sales just for them.

One thing you must always keep in mind is that you may not get many sign ups for your list if your lead capture page is weak, boring and or uninspiring. People will readily click away. Foremost thing you can concentrate on is keeping your lead capture page simple yet informative with a clear and compelling message.

Once you create an email list of customers or interested prospects then you have created an asset for yourself. This is the type of asset that if properly cultivated and as a result, it is as simple as planting a seed then just being patient and waiting for it to harvest. When you do this you are effectively applying one of the main principles of the Law of Attraction of "sowing and reaping" and then afterwards in most cases your eventual success is destined to be right around the corner.

So that's the information I have on Marketing and applying the principles 516of the Law of Attraction to help your business prosper. I hope it was helpful and you were able to get something out of it.

Resource Box;

Gerard A. Wallace is a member of one of the fastest growing teams of successful Referring Travel Agents of YTB Travel & Cruises. He has also developed a unique Inter-Network Marketing system to explode the business online with exponential growth. Find out how we are having tons of fun in the sun at exotic locations and helping people across the country earn guaranteed residual income and Free Full coverage health insurance. Visit

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