
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Are We All Mutants?

I recently read a wonderful, spiritual and enlightening book by Marlo Morgan, entitled "Mutant Message Down Under".

While the story is technically classified as fiction, it was done so because she would not provide real names, locations and other information about the Aboriginals she traveled with for four months as they did a "Walkabout" in the Australian Outback.

The image you see here is, Uluru, now called Ayers Rock but was once a sacred Aboriginal site for the gathering of the nations. All the art, historical carvings and relics have been removed. The graves were robbed and the altars stripped bare.

This is a 50,000 year culture and these people have a perspective that has much to teach us "Mutants". We are called Mutants not because they believe we are mutations in the sense that we are abnormal, but because we have moved away from our connection with the Divine Oneness. They, on the other hand have retained that connection and call themselves the Real People.

Because of this connection, they understand "How long is forever" better than us. They question why we strap time to our bodies and measure it in terms of "today" without regard to tomorrow.

They see us as being attached to our possessions which cuts us off from the Divine Oneness, so the requirement for her coming on the Walkabout was to burn all of her possessions including her expensive outfit and diamond watch.

Ms Morgan, a physician, tells the story of a patient who was in her office for a nervous disorder. It seems the cause for her patient's disorder was the stress she was suffering because her insurance had been canceled on her very, very expensive diamond necklace. The lady was having a fake made so she could wear it to a grand function in place of the uninsured real diamonds. But she was very anxious about the whole ordeal and was a nervous wreck worrying if it would be ready in time for her to wear. Her diamonds, these things of immense beauty and for which she coveted so desperately, brought her no deep and personal joy; they simply had financial value.

In contrast, once on the Walkabout a girl found a flower and wore it around her neck as a necklace of beauty. All the group made sure they came to her and told her how beautiful she looked with it on and how much they enjoyed her wearing it. She glowed with the love shown to her and with appreciation of the beauty of the flower. At the end of the day, she placed it on the sand to return to where it had come from and she was joyous in her appreciation for all the good it had brought her. When you look at these two stories, you have to ask what was and where was the real treasure?

The Real People do not lie, steal or practice conditional love, so their connection remains intact and they are able to communicate telepathically. Mutants have used words so much to lie and deceive that we are not open to each other, so much so, that this ability has left us. The Real People don't discriminate because they believe we all started out with the same skin color and see "games" that have a winner and loser as not games. Games are to promote joy and display the love that comes from the Divine Oneness.

We Mutants have four characteristics. No longer can we live out in the open. We have forgotten what it feels like to stand naked in the rain and know that we will be provided for each day in connection to all of life.

We don't have good digestive systems because everything we eat must be pulverized and processed.

We have limited understanding because we understand time only through ourselves, not with the understanding of "Forever".

But the big difference is that we operate from a core of Fear. We threaten our children, other countries, need prisons, police and all of our security is based on the response to fear. The Real People have no fear. Fear is animalistic. But, if we really knew and understood that the universe is not a haphazard event but is an unfolding plan, then you cannot have fear. Things, they think, generate fear and the more things you have the mo5ACre you have to fear. Until eventually, you are living your life for things.

We have forgotten to wake up grateful and to carry it with us all day, for the entire day?

At birth, each child hears the same message, "We love you and support you on the journey". And that is how they look at life: as a journey that starts and ends with love and is connected to love throughout.

The word "Mutant" is more of a state of heart and head, not color or a person. It is an attitude of someone that has closed off or lost ancient rememberings and universal truths.

When success is something that can only be measured in things, bank accounts and diamonds, it can be very hollow. There are keys to achieving success, and joy for doing what it is you are doing is one of them. The most important one really.

Find out the difference between "being" and "doing" when you are Unlocking the 7 Laws of Success with the Step by Step Action Guide at

And let us all become a little less "Mutant".

Pat Hicks is the creator and author of "The Step by Step Action Guide to Unlocking the 7 Laws of Success" and the "21 Day Positive Habit Guidebook" found exclusively at
His email address is:

Wayne Dyer


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