
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Vedic Astrology Horoscope - Sun in Cancer - Venus - Moon - More on Saturn

The Sun has entered Cancer in the Sidereal zodiac, bringing a strong tendency to nurture and emotionally protect our loved ones. When the Sun goes through Cancer the quality of divine motherhood is awakened in each of us at least that is the potential. Suddenly theres a renewed sensitivity to all of us as children. There is a great possibility for all to lay down their weapons and sympathize with their enemies for the next couple of weeks.

Cancer is the sign of sensitivity, compassion and motherhood. It is ruled by the moon, the planet of selfless love, nurturing and peace. This is different than the type of love we have in relationships which are transactional in nature. Relationship love is between two equals, two grown-ups. In relationship love, each person has to hold up their part of the bargain, whatever that bargain is. Every relationship has different boundaries that are negotiated and, however strange those boundaries may look to outsiders, as long as the two partnered agree with the terms, and honor them - theres usually smooth sailing.

This is what make5B4s the relationship house (seventh house) a secondary business / career house. We use the same negotiating skills at our job that we use in our romantic relationship - after all, people are people. The larger issue in relationships is our ability to compromise and satisfy our desires as well as accommodate another persons. Those who are able to yield their desires with dignity do well in relationships. But this takes an authentic desire to please others combined with an equally authentic intuition which knows where to draw the line and can draw that line without anger or excessive ego.

However, the capacity to play fair and negotiate and uphold common boundaries, etc. will be very damaging in a parent / child relationship. Once a parent starts demanding the child treat them as an equal, at least when theyre young, there can be great harm done. Of course, once the child grows up into teenage years and beyond the relationship starts to develop and mature. But still, the parent must always put the needed the child ahead of their own. Fortunately, nature makes this easy once the child begins to grow up and develop their own personality, many immature parents stop serving the child / selflessly loving the child - and start to a great deal of harm.

Negotiating proper relationship boundaries are related to Venus and powerfully expressed through the Cardinal sign she rules, Libra - the sign of relationships. And, as was sai5B4d, the Moon rules selfless parental love that only knows how to give. The mother loves the child no matter what the child does. But this shows the inherent struggle between Venus and the moon - the inherent struggle between selfless love and conditional love.

Its very easy to mix these two things up in our mind. When relationships become dominated by a selfless, parental type of love is only a matter of time before it starts to feel like abuse for one and co-managing for the other. There has to be accountability first, only then can romantic love become selfless, devoted love. Similarly if the parent / child love is too transactional, with a parent constantly insisting upon the immature mind of the child to be accountable for their emotional mistakes, as we would expect from our partner, much trouble arises also. Without the paradigm of selfless love in the parent/child relationship, the parent will not be able to insist upon accountability without the child feeling attacked.

This is an important issue at this time with Venus about to go retrograde into the sign of Cancer. In Vedic astrology both the moon and the Sun are enemies of Venus. This enmity is expressed in different ways. The influence of the moon on Venus (including occupying the sign of Cancer) is to confuse the transactional nature and expectation of adult relationship boundaries with the utterly selfless, caretaking, maternal nature of the moon. The infl5ACuence of the Sun on Venus (including occupying the sign of Leo) is to insist upon a passionate, fiery and romantically accountable nature.

These themes will play out in the upcoming Venus retrograde cycle discussed last week in this newsletter.

The upcoming Venus retrograde cycle will mirror the recent Saturn retrograde cycle and also foreshadow next years Mars/Ketu conjunction at 28 Cancer. There is another very important factor that must be kept in mind relative to this Saturn / Venus relationship.

Sam Geppi has over 20 years of Vedic Study and experience. He is a Hatha Yoga instructor and certified Vedic Astrologer and Teacher through the ACVA (level 2) as well as author of "The Ascendant". - Newsletters and Readings - Astrology Podcasts

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