
Friday, May 30, 2008

Are You One of the People Who Can Make Your Dreams Come True?

Some people just seem blessed. Everything they do turns into gold. Their lives are right out of the movies. Other people struggle with everything and never seem to move ahead-or they do at great personal sacrifice. Why is that?

There are two types of people who make up this world -- Conscious Creators and Unconscious Creators. The Conscious Creators are most often those people for whom much goes right and who can realize their dreams.

However, most folks fall into the second category. They can't com5B4prehend why it seems as if their life is falling apart, why their job stinks, and why they can't attract a good lover, partner or spouse. They feel angry, depressed and victimized. Little do they know that they've actually created their own misery unconsciously!

On the other hand, Conscious Creators have a clear vision of their desires; understand that they can impact the future; trust that things will be OK; and always put forth kind, loving, positive energy no matter what happens. They also have the ability to manifest a better world benefiting the whole!

Q: What's the Difference Between the Two?

A: Use of energy! Like the entire Universe, we are made of energy. Not only are our molecules energy, but so are our thoughts and emotions. Our energy packets can be charged positive or negative, and they resonate with the rest of the Universe. The Law of Attraction states that if you put out negative energy, you will attract the same back. Emit positive energy and you'll gain back positive experiences.

Q: What are Negative and Positive Energy Habits?

A: UnConscious Creators exhibit "negative energy habits." They wallow in the past and fret about the future. Control issues bubble about their insides, and they don't trust anyone. They may have self-esteem issues, anger issues, and are unable to communicate emotions in a positive manner. They dwell on things that go wrong, pay too much attention to critical voices 5B4in their heads, and heap blame upon others. They fear society will realize they are unworthy, which will keep them from getting "their slice" of the pie. They are curt, hurried, pushy, and must have the most "toys" at all costs. Everything and everyone is out to get them, including the Universe itself. When things go wrong, they hang their head in shame because they obviously made a mistake. They rarely listen to their heart, choosing instead to exist entirely within their head and ego. All this negative energy paves their path and they simply don't realize the damage they're inflicting upon themselves and the world.

At the other end of the spectrum are Conscious Creators who exhibit "positive energy habits." These are optimists who envision the things they want and take positive steps to make their wishes come to fruition. It is trust that they have in the Universe to bring them what's in their highest good. They always look at the bright side; and are thoughtful, loving, kind and straightforward with everyone. Frustrations are dealt with positively, not dwelled upon, and they move forward. Conscious Creators are likely to be enjoying the present rather than leveraging it for the future. They don't blame others, don't project fears upon others, listen to their heart and act on their soul's goodness. These people have a sustained, healthy dialogue with the Universe, and recognize their positive energy opens amazing doors!

Q5B4: Can Someone Choose to Be a Conscious Creator?

A: Yes! Just start changing how you think. Choose positive thoughts and banish negative ones. Decide to handle situations with a cool head rather than a hot one. Be more loving, kind and compassionate. Settle on attracting abundance, instead of repelling it. Begin envisioning the life you want and become that life.

Q: What Happens When I Become a Conscious Creator?

A: You transform your life and find more joy in: relationships and friendships; your outward appearance, good health, employment, business opportunities, leisure time, your surroundings, personal freedoms, your home life, the wealth you acquire. That, however, is only half of it. You can also find satisfaction in manifesting a better world as a whole, using your visionary skills and positive energy to clear a path to a better future for all living things on the planet. It's all just a choice away!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World. Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. To join or receive the d287aily vision by email, just click on

Removing the Possibility of Failure


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