
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Building a Closet Organizer - It Is Easier Than You Think

In the fight to make our lives simpler the experts say we must cut down on clutter. I have to admit I agree with them. I get tired of going to the closet to find something and not be able to locate it. I always walk away muttering about "junk" and "rubbish" and "organizing". I just never seem to get around to it. Building a closet organizer would do away with the chaos. It would also improve my mood. I like discovering neat things I used to own.

The first step to building a closet organizer is to determine what you want. A simple version can be made with two upper shelves, a middle shelving unit, one long hanging system, and two short hanging systems on the other side. The dimensions can be determined by the size of your closet. A narrow closet would allow for one size while a deep closet could accommodate drawers as well as shelves.

Using graph paper as a drawing board, you can design the perfect system for your space. Adding features for your lifestyle are easy. You can play around with ideas you gather from online and home improvement magazines. Certain manufacturers of5B4fer catalogs of the systems they build. You can get some great ideas from these.

Once you decide what you want, you may find it cheaper to buy the materials and build it yourself. Depending on the options you want, some of the pre-formed closet organizers can run into hundreds of dollars for a single closet. The cost of building your own closet organizer can be kept to a minimum. You can keep it within your budget.

You can customize your design by painting the wood or even staining it. This way it can match wall colors or accessories. Stains will allow the unit to match furniture already in the room. You can make the system feel like a part of the house. Adding lined wicker baskets can bring your room color into your closet.

Building a closet organizer can be done in a matter of hours. When you know the design and measurements it is a matter of cutting the shelves and screwing everything together. Measurements should always be taken twice. You do not want to waste material by cutting boards too short. When you build it yourself, you can adjust the hanging rod and shelves for your height. The system can be your own unique design. Building a closet organizer is not hard work. You just need patience. When the project is done, the closet will have a surplus of usable space you forgot you had.

Ha4C3ving a hard time finding a place to keep all of your kids stuff? No problem, explore closet organization ideas for kids bedrooms by visiting a popular closet organizing site that provides tips, advice and resources including information on bathroom closet organization, selecting the right closet storage system and tips for organizing your closet.

Shower Valve Next To 2 X 4
Protective Metal For Plumbing

Building Great Soulmate Relationships

Building great soulmate relationships in life takes time and commitment. If you choose to spend time and you choose to commit you WILL most certainly build a relationship that will bring you joy and contentment. Some keys to building great relationships include:

Connect with the one that you love
Make time to remind your soulmate that they are special. Write them a note, send an email, sms or phone them during the day at work. Do something that you know will be meaningful to your partner. Make sure your efforts dont go to waste; connect with them keeping their love language in mind. Be intentional about making a daily connection in the middle of your busy life.

Plan your time
The old saying fail to plan and you will plan to fail is so true when it comes to soulmate relationships. Planning your time is of utmost importance in building great soulmate relationships. The average couple is so busy with work, catching up with friends and other responsibilities that sometimes in an established relationship you can fail to plan to spend time together. Check your calendars each week and make note of time when you will be together. Be intentional about spending casual social time together and also about spending quality time building into your soulmate relationship. A regular date night is a great idea.

Be protective of your soulmate relationship
At times healthy jealousy is a must in relationships. If you are not going to protect your soulmate relationship, who will? Dont allow yourself to be in situations that compromise the integrity of your relationship with your partner. Always remember that soulmate relationships can last forever- make sure that the emotional needs of your partner are being met. Dont take each other for granted. Your relationship is important.

Dont forget the special occasions!
Use your diary or the reminder function in your mobile phone; make a note of birthdays, anniversaries and special events. Talk about important events and make sure that both partners expectations are equal. Unnecessary tension can result in a relationship due to unmet expectations. If you would like to go away for your anniversary make sure that your partner knows! They are not mind readers. It may seem to take the spontaneity and romance out of it all but in the long run your soulmate relationship will be stronger as a result of discussing such issues.

Introduce surprise to your relationship
Assuming your partner likes surprises, and you have time, there are many ways you can surprise them. Organise with their boss that they will take an extended lunch break and take them out to lunch, send flowers, a card, chocolates- the options are endless and can really add spice to your life together. Interrupt the mundane with a surprise and youll be amazed at what it does for your soulmate relationship.

Get away with your friends
If you are in a steady relationship make sure that you havent become exclusive with your partner and in the process lost all of your friends! This is a common mistake that couples make when entering into a relationship. At the start everything is new and very exciting and before you know it you have neglected the old friend that you have had since high school. Friendships are important and it is healthy to have mutual friends and for each person to have their own friends in a relationship. It brings diversity and spending time apart only makes the heart grow fonder!

Become a student of your partner
If you are in a relationship you need to become a full-time student of your partner. Make it your mission to learn everything there is to know about them. Their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, how they relate to others, how they feel most loved. When you take the focus off yourself and your needs and focus on your partner you will discover that you are in the process of building a great relationship. As you focus on your partner they will become more focused on you- it is always better to give than to receive!

Anita Rossow has a Bachelor Degree in Education and is passionate about seeing and helping people grow in all areas of their lives. See her homepage at If you would like to find out more about love languages and finding your Soulmate visit: Soul Mate

Home Remodeling Ideas
Home Remodeling Ideas

List Building Made Easy - The Tools You Need To Build A Lucrative Business

List building is a potent skill that all marketers worth their salt should master! By building a big list in a niche that is not competitive, you can create income on autopilot just by sending out an email. But there are a few tools you will need to succeed in this highly profitable business model. Try these out for yourself:

1. Autoresponder

Aweber is probably the best autoresponder on the Internet and comes highly recommended by many top Internet marketers. You need an autoresponder to capture subscribers to your list. Other options are Get Response and Auto Response Plus, which is a little different in that you host the autoresponder on your own server. Personally, I feel it's better to go with an autoresponder service rather than hosting one on your own as you will have better deliverability rates.

2. A website

Of course, you will need a website to build your list! Register a catchy domain name and go for a reliable web host. Nothings worse than a web host that is constantly down and costing you profits. Two good web hosting services are Host Gator and Vexxhost. The best place I've found for registering domain names is Name.

3. Ad tracker

One of the best ad trackers is Ad trackers is Adtrackz. It allows you to track all your affiliate links to see how many clicks they are getting. Testing and tracking are critical for Internet success! They allow you to find your "weak spots" and also where you are really raking in the dough, so to speak!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Home Help and Ideas
Home Help and Ideas

Boston Scavenger Hunt - Genuine Team-Building Fun

It's hard to equate team building exercises and fun together, but enthralling scavenger hunts can not only create laughter and good times, but shows real strengths in co-workers. Team building in Boston takes on a whole new flavor as your company team can tour Boston in search of clues rediscovering typical haunts and finding new discoveries both in the city and within each other's skill.

Whether you live in Boston, elsewhere in the New England area, or are just visiting on official company business, Boston is a perfect place to hold a team-building scavenger hunt thanks to its historical significance. Boston is a town that is literally packed with American history.

Scavenger hunts typically start by breaking attendees into equal sized groups. The gangs are all then given a list of questions to follow, and it's off to the races, on foot, mass transit, taxis, or if you like to hunt in style, the luxury of a Limo. Teams decide where to go based on the clues that are given in a pun-like format.

In a city-wide Boston Scavenger hunt, they may get a question that not only pertains to the culture of the region, but a twist of a few words to reveal the answer. An example from one company that specializes in Boston team-building scavenger hunts that would direct a team to Boston's historic Faneuil Hall: "At the Bull & Finch Pub, whose exterior is known to TV viewers as the Cheers bar, Norm stands before the name of one of his 'best friends,' Sam. What other two pals' names are written here?" With a little reading between the lines the answer will become clear by investigating the sign behind Norm explaining that the two "best friends" the question was referring to were actually beers, Molson Golden and Bud, Sam being Samuel Adams, not Sam Malone.

Team Benefits of the Hunt

A Boston Scavenger hunt provides many aspects of team building. Such corporate scavenger hunts have been shown to:

- Lubricate and ease communication with a central goal in mind

- Emphasizes team member's strengths; one who may know history while another knows the quickest way to Fenway

- Recognize value in brainstorming and bouncing ideas between each other

- Understand the value of time constraints and deadlines

Spicing up the Hunt

There's big business in helping corporate employees bond. Companies that specialize in corporate team building are available to help corporations and other groups plan team-building scavenger hunts.

A good scavenger hunt company keeps an open mind about how the hunt can be catered. They should have the capability to custom design your corporate scavenger hunt, allowing you to customize the hunt's questions around the company, or design your own Boston scavenger hunt that ends at the company's favorite watering hole to celebrate the fun.

The staff at Watson Adventures, a company providing custom scavenger hunts in Boston and many other major cities, is open minded and flexible, so most anything can be arranged by calling them. Team building in Boston has never been so unique.

Guardrail Problem
Missing Stair Bracket Lags

Building a Financial Team can Lead to Financial Success

You have been in business for several years and you have been handling the finances for your business. One day you get tired of managing the money, receipts and all the paperwork to prepare for taxes. You begin to think to yourself who you can contact, what steps you can take! You put the thought of your mind and continue running your business. A week later you are driving down the road and you hear a thirty second commercial on the radio. The voice says, Have 1106you been managing your business finances for several years and now you have grown tired? Now is your chance to contact Journey to Wholeness. They will teach you about building a financial team. Contact them at Then it returns to music.

You begin thinking to yourself what is a financial team? Who makes up a business financial team and can there be a downside to a financial team? When building a financial team the following are important:

1) Bookkeeper

2) Accountant

3) Personal Banker

4) Financial Planner

The role of the bookkeeper is to handle your monthly bank statements and reconciling your account. You would give this person all of your receipts so that they have all the necessary paperwork to give you the summary of your account. The bookkeeper can generate reports based on your monthly statements. The bookkeeper can advise you on sales tax and a sales tax license if you need that for your business

Next is the accountant. The accountant would do your taxes at the end of the year with the various statements from the bookkeeper. This should be a fairly easy connection based on who your bookkeeper is. The accountant can advise you of all the deductions you should be taking for your business. I have often talked to business owners that did not have an accountant and invariably did not deduct all that was allowed.

Personal banker is the person that you would discuss over different lines of credit and financial tools you might need for personal and business. You could discuss with the personal banker a business account, setting up the account and even having a business line of credit.

Financial planner is the person that will help you with long term goals such as life insurance, disability and retirement planning. Even if you do not talk to this person initially, make sure you eventually take the time to talk to a financial planner and discuss long-term goals.

The bookkeeper is not necessary if you are skilled and knowledgeable in managing your personal finances. Pitfalls to not having personal financial team working for you is that you do not accomplish financially what you would like to. You end up in debt and do not know how to remove the debt as well as get back on your feet. When you do not set goals, you have nothing to work towards.

A Financial Team is outside looking in with an unbiased opinion. That can help you achieve goals and dreams for you and your family. Maybe after reading this you are asking yourself, do you need a financial coach? You might because they can provide one-on-one coaching or counseling based on where you are. They also could connect you to others member for your financial team.

Too many people on the team can spoil it if they are not in agreement about what needs to be done. If you are in the beginning phase of building a financial team, I recommend starting out with the bookkeeper and accountant. Either one of them if not both of them should be able to recommend a financial planner. You should already know your personal banker.

Take the time today to assess where you are and if you need a financial team. The time a financial team could save you and teach you could mean the difference between success and failure in your business. It is my hope that you would prepare your business for success.

Dr. Taffy Wagner is a speaker, publisher and author of Debt Dilemma, Homebuyers Helper, e-books Spare Change and Every Little Bit Helps. She is the financial advisor for Christian Business Talk Radio. Dr. Taffy conducts seminars on business and personal finances. She is the co-founder of Journey to Wholeness, where she and her husband provide mentoring, counseling and coaching for individuals, couples, business owners and organizations so they can achieve success in the life. She is available to speak to groups, coach individuals and provide mentoring. Contact her through her website at

Lower Handrail Problem
Metal Handrailing With Incorrect

Corporate Team Building Techniques

Corporate Team Building generally refers to the selection and motivation of teams for fulfillment of organizational goals. Our society is increasingly becoming a multi-cultural one and you are required to work with different groups of people and expected to get along with them as a team. This is more in the case of 21F2transnational and multi-location conglomerates. Corporate Team Building Techniques are methods to help people adapt to these new requirements. Your corporate team building skills are critical for your effectiveness as a manager. Even if you are not a manager, your understanding of team building makes you an effective member of the corporate team. Corporate Team Building Techniques can make your team accomplish objectives as a team rather than working on their own.

There are certain factors that are critical to Corporate Team Building. You may have a strong fusion of individual contributions. Diversity of skills and personalities are quite effective in Corporate Team Building. When all members of the team contribute to their full strengths, they compensate for each others weaknesses also. Different personalities and skills complement each other. Corporate Team Building Techniques involve good communication between the team members as well as harmony between the members.

Corporate Team Building - Versatile Practical Tools

Putting a group of people together does not automatically equal a team. Corporate Team Building starts with getting the people in the team to know each other. The technique involves in learning to get along with each other, develop interpersonal trust, and communicate well. This helps build team spirit. On a daily basis, members of a corporate team need to develop habits to function as an effective team.

There are a number of ways to Corporate Team Building. Each member of the team could take a course on how to work collaboratively. This is an individualistic approach and may, or may not, help in forming a cohesive unit. One other way could be to employ Corporate Team Building professionals to help train your corporate team in functioning as a cohesive unit. This is a great idea, but may not fit into your budget.

You could find your own techniques for Corporate Team Building. Put your corporate team members into new challenging fun activities that will require contact and communication between them. Organize events where they get together for fun activities, such as fly-fishing, sailing regattas, road rallies, snowboarding, interactive seminars, etc.

These activities go a long way in improving communication and interaction, and help Corporate Team Building.

Chillisauce specialise in unique corporate team building techniques in the UK and Europe for the ultimate corporate event experience. For a more information and ideas on corporate team building, please visit

Brick Stairs

Building A Successful Discussion Forum Is Not That Easy

Webmasters believe that a lot of money can be made off of discussion forums for several reasons. The main reason people see a lot of money in them is because they have an enormous amount of page views and return visitors. It is very difficult for a normal website to get those two things and very easy for discussion forums to get them. People focus on that and rush to start up a discussion forum only to give up and let it die after a short period of time. The reason is because many people do not take into consideration how important actual signups are. A lot of people will go to a forum everyday and read through things but never sign up. If people do not sign up the forums are worthless.

Something that can be done to entice people to sign up are offer rewards for those that sign up. You can also have a posting contest by giving away something to the first person to reach a certain number of posts. Another thing is to start a controversial thread that will force people to sign up and participate in the discussions. No matter what you decide to do to get people to sign up try and make sure that it is planned out before starting the forum. If you think about that after the forums have been started it may be too late.

Andre Bias is the owner of the websites,, and


Power Points to Build Your Direct Sales Team and Business

Your Ultimate Marketing Plan: Four Key Areas

There are several strategies you can use to grow your business, but they all fall under four general categories:

Attract new customers. Increase the average sales amount from each sale. Entice your customers buy from you more often. Keep your customers for life.

The first and last are obvious for reporting in your marketing efforts. But the two in the center are just as important in the overall growth and profitability of your business. If a small business is receiving a significant potion of its new business from referrals, they are probably not spending enough time attracting new customers from the marketplace.

But referrals are the best kind of customers, you say. Yes, they are great, but if you spend the majority of your time and money trying to get them you may be neglecting a whole group of new customers that are waiting to buy from you. Also, if a small business spends all its time marketing to new customers and ignoring existing customers, you may be missing out on a lot of ripe fruit. As I mentioned, there are many ways to leverage your marketing efforts in these four categories. Here are just a few ways to improve each of your areas of growth:

Attract more new customers
Select a niche market that you can easily contact and dominate it.
Develop a CONSISTENT marketing strategy that compels your prospects to contact you to learn more about how you can help them.
Establish an active referral program.

Increase the average sales amount
Upsell your customers
Suggest add-on items and services that complement your customers purchase.
Sell in sets at a savings from separate item prices.

Make your customers buy from you more often Establish CONSISTENT communications that present enticing, reactive offers. Follow up with your customers after the sale (what a concept!) Answer questions and suggest other product that may help them. Track your customers usage and buying patterns to suggest purchases right before they actually need them (this also helps keep the competition away).

Hold on to your customers for life Deliver STELLAR customer service by going the extra mile. Give your customers the opportunity to go on record by giving you testimonials about your great customer service. Survey your customers from time to time to gauge their level of satisfaction.

How do the top direct sellers get where they are? They build a strong team!

If you are interested in recruiting, you so10D8metimes need to recruit beyond the obvious. In addition to money, career, etc., many are driven by an emotional need. The following are a few terms to use to pepper your recruiting conversations.

"Imagine the feeling of this:" (Name a Benefit...)

"Imagine the feeling of complete freedom to do what you want and live where you want?"

"Imagine the feeling of being in a position to have the resources to help a friend or family member in need. How would that feel?"

"Imagine the feeling of accomplishing your goals and having the power to help others accomplish theirs? How would that help you?"

These ideas may help spark you to look at your business practices a bit differently. Give them a try and see how they can help you develop not only your sales, but your team and downline as well.

Learn more about how to develop your direct sales business with our Direct Sales Power Series at

K. Moehr, president of Moehr and Associates, a specialty marketing and publishing firm.

Need Leads? Get booked solid! Triple your direct sales, leads and recruits. Visit:

Stair Framing1
Stair Building Books

Building a Multipage Website Using Liberty Basic

If you have ever wondered how its possible to build static web pages with hundreds or even thousands of web pages, then you might not have thought about using Liberty Basic.

Liberty Basic is a great programming language that makes it relatively simple to build the multi page sites that you see around the Internet.

To build a website with multiple pages, you will need to create a template for the website, and use a suitable style sheet to get the look that you require.

Within the template a number of tags are inserted which will tell the program where to insert the imported articles.

The imported articles are stored as text files on the local hard disk and the article is read in and embedded in to the body of the template. The title of the article can be used as the title and description of the webpage, and the output file would be named similar to the title of the page plus using a .htm as the file extension.

This idea can be extended even further by building directories based on towns or counties around the country, one example of this is - a directory of businesses based around the main road the A63 which runs from Hull in the East of England to Leeds in Yorkshire.

4 Files were used to create this file, each file was imported in to write to the template at the a697ppropriate place.

1. Metadata.txt - holds all the meta data information for the webpages
2. Business listings - stores the addresses, phone numbers and category for each business
3. Category Descriptions - Helps build the H1 tags for that particular category
4. Town - Holds the town names

Using these 4 files it is possible to build a pretty unique webpage for that particular category in that town.

There are approximately 140 categories, and 5 towns - adding up to 700 web pages.

Extending the idea further it is possible to build a website with the principle towns in the UK which are approximately 1200 towns, this would give us around 170,000 pages.

The programming language gives massive opportunities for creating multi page websites with ease. It just takes a little time getting the core data sets together.

Simon Gregson is the author of the website and

Plumbing Books
Basement Books

Building Hope with Bricks of Justice

"Thirsty deserts will be glad; barren lands will celebrate and blossom with flowers!" (Isaiah 35:1, CEV).

Many Advent texts are filled with joyful hope. This hope looks ahead to God's arrival and sees the world transformed. And it is a lovely, long-awaited vision. Water in the desert. The blind restored to sight, and the lame leaping about like deer in this newly blooming land. A fair shake to the poor, food to the hungry, and liberation to those in bondage (Psalm 146:7). This is a vision worth waiting for, long-expected, long-desired.

The prophecies in Isaiah seem to be fulfilled in this man Jesus, whose actions live out the prophet's promise. God is here, and God's presence among us is manifested in healing. Hallelujah!

This is a wonderful vision. And we may feel very comfortable in looking forward to this. Who wouldn't? "I'm a good person," people long to say, and don't good people deserve a world like this, a world filled with only good things?

In our eagerness to imagine ourselves in that promised land, I fear we may rush headlong past God's "message for all who are weak, trembling, and worried: 'Cheer up! Don't be afraid. Your God is coming to punish your enemies. God will take revenge on them and rescue you'" (Isaiah 35:3,4, CEV).

Without this statement we might be off in a cartoon fantasy, where all these hopes are realized by magic. In the world we know, the poor do not get justice. The hungry do not find a three course dinner on their doorstep - except perhaps at Thanksgiving or Christmas. And God forbid if any prisoner is released without paying every last measure of their "debt to society."

This prophecy is not for the nice or the good, but for the weak, trembling, and worried. In order to be a God of deliverance, God must defeat those who bring about the weakness, the insecurity, the fear.

In the world we know, in this world, in God's world, we know that prisoners leave jail early only in case of revolution - or mercy. We know that food for the hungry really means work and opportunity. And we know that justice for the poor requires a good fight against the powerful.

We might hope that God's sacred highway will magically appear in the wilderness. Yet in the world we know, in God's world, yellow bricks do not march themselves to the desert and form themselves into a road. Roads must be built. And there are often powerful interests who prefer that the country be wild and dangerous - or at a minimum insist that they own the road with a steep toll.

Yet God's sacred highway has already been built and is being added to daily. The construction occurred when a poor man gathered a few followers to share bread. The dedication took place with blood and suffering on a cross. And the ribbon cutting ceremony happened when the stone to the tomb was rolled away.

Make no mistake: that vision of deserts springing into bloom is not a vision of a heavenly Las Vegas, but a vision of God's mercy and justice irrigating the world.

The benefits of this construction project are available to all. It's great if you can lend a hand, marching on this sacred highway, helping with the maintenance, extending the road into new territory. But it is critically important to not get in the way. Jesus said, "God will bless everyone who doesn't reject me because of what I do" (Matthew 11:6, CEV).

This Reflection is drawn from the Bible Resource Center's e-Bulletin Series - an online ministry of the American Bible Society. The Bible Resource Center houses a rich collection of Advent and Christmas Resources for Churches.

For more Bible Study Resources visit:

Remodeling Your Home On A Budget
First Steps To Home Remodeling

Building a Coaching Business - Finding Strategic Marketing or Referral Partners

Finding someone you can jointly market with is one great way of finding a marketing or referral partner. Think of others that either market to the same market as you do, or, might actually do what you do but from a slightly different angle.

If you've found it difficult to get initial sales meetings, finding a strategic referral partner that , by partnering, you can increase people walking through the door for both of you, you will become a Super Star for your referral partner, and you will find ways to grow your

Who are Potential Marketing and/or Referral Partners

For me, as a business coach, here are a few businesses that make excellent strategic marketing partners. If you are some other form of coach, life coach, career coach, or whatever, use this as a springboard for your brainstorming and find partners that work well in your market.

  • Banks - I grow businesses, sometimes pretty fast. So, a bank can be an ideal partner because they usually have a commercial loan department who have loans out to companies that could be my clients. And, the bank sees me as a resource in several directions.
a. We both have the same clients, I refer to them, they refer to me.

b. By partnering together, they provide an additional service to their customers in growing their business through the help of the bank.

c. With 80-90% of all businesses daily, I increase the success ratio of companies (they get the immediate benefit of fewer failing loans, and when the public knows this it is an added advantage to use that bank.

d. By partnering -- I do seminars jointly with the bank. We jointly advertise luncheon "Build Your Business...Fast" seminars that brings a lot of traffic into the bank that otherwise wouldn't even know the bank. I do one on "How to Double Your Business in 3-4 Weeks" which is the most popular and fills a room fast, followed by "Improve Sales Success by 3-4 Times" and "Get 5-10 Times More People Walking Into Your Business". seminars over the next few weeks. Frequently these are luncheon series over 3 weeks, or sometimes once a month for 3 months. I'll end it with an offer to join in our mastermind group that will meet monthly in the banks board room. My original seminars are either free (sponsored by the bank), or a minimal fee, usually pays for lunch. The mastermind follow-up group is a for-fee program. There are a lot of ways to structure that. See other articles on how to structure a mastermind group.

Obstacles: Some banks may hesitate to be involved with an "unknown" who may, in their opinion, say something that would make the bank liable for a business problem. It is up to you to either give them enough track record to overcome that, or keep looking until you find the bank that will work with you. Keep looking, you will find one. Also, use your networking friends and partners to get that introduction. It opens the door for you.

  • Web developers -Theoretically, web developers are supposed to grow businesses. What I've discovered is that 99% of all websites don't work and the reason is that they aren't marketing companies. They are software developers who can write code for the website, or maybe graphic designers that can pretty up a website, but neither of those results in NEW CUSTOMERS, at least not very often. So, I have an opportunity here...a really big one. I help the web developer understand what is missing, and how to increase his own sales greater than he has ever imagined. I show him how to sell and market that gets his clients swarming to him. And then I have to help that web developer to make his own clients every bit as successful. One great way is to do a series of joint seminars. He'll market to his hundreds of existing clients to show them how to "Double Their Business on the Web Even Further Than They Have So Far". Of course I'll market to new prospects (my target market). We'll fill a room of people who "want to grow a business" and show them how they can grow the overall business (my participation) and how the internet can be one of those great tools (jointly, the web developer and me).

There are LOTs of other potentials out there,

  • IT 5B4companies work with lots of companies that are also my focus, other coaches who work in different areas of a business than I do (I'll sometimes do sales training while the coach works with the executives, or vice versa),
  • Radio (I do a radio show where I bring on experts of all kinds on building a business, coaches, speakers, trainers, and, although we do overlap this is a win-win. They are exposed to a MUCH larger audience, and at the same time we all build our audience. I make sure to highlight them and not me. But now I'm the coach builder (one of my target markets). My job is to always be seen as a Super Star business and coach builder. The more people that grow because I am around them the more valuable I am seen and the more people who want to partner with me.
  • Financial Planners, CPAs -- both work with my clients and are both involved with helping them grow financially.
  • Chambers -- offer to do joint semianrs with the chambers. I've found that, not matter how good my marketing has become, by partnering with a chamber the number of people replying to my marketing is approximately 2 times greater when partnering.

These are just a few for me, a business coach, and a coach's coach. So, find your ideal marketing and referral partners for your type of coaching. Who are those that either work with your ideal client, or those that do somethi59Cng similar....but in a slightly different way?

Do you want to learn more about how to increase your coaching businesses?

I have just completed my brand new guide to coaching marketing success. You'll also get a free invitation to join a mastermind group of other coaches as they build their business. Hear what works and doesn't work.

Get your "How to Build a Super Star Coaching Business" for free

Alan Boyer coach's coaches, who want more business than they can handle, or at least more than they imagined...before this.....The reports have been "5-10 times more clients in just a few weeks, and still growing.

Tile Articles

Building A Green Home? Go With An Energy Efficient Mortgage

There are several different types of energy efficient mortgages which a person is able to apply for. These types of loans can either be used for purchasing an already existing energy efficient property or to allow you to make improvements to your home in order to make it more energy efficient.

The types of mortgages that are available are the conventional energy efficient mortgage (EEM), the FHA EEM and the VA EEM. Below we take a look at what these are and who can actually apply for one if they want.

Conventional EEM - This can be used by anyone and the amount that one borrows will depend on how energy efficient the home or the improvements made are considered to be. The costs of the energy efficient components of the home are directly transferred to the bottom line valuation of the home during the appraisal process.

The FHA Energy Efficient Mortgage - This type of loan is taken out by those people who are looking to make improvements to the house they currently live in to make it more energy efficient. In most cases, they are allowed to borrow up to 100% of the total costs of the works that they wish to carry out. But with this type of loan the maximum amount that one is actually allowed to borrow are $8,000 and no more. Normally homes that already qualify as an energy star homes are granted such loans and this is why they are sometimes referred to as energy star mortgages as well.

VA EEM - This particular type of mortgage is only available to those people who are either currently serving as military personnel or are reservists or can shown that they are a veteran. As with the FHA, this type of EEM can be used to help make improvements to a property. Currently a person is able to borrow between $3,000 and $6,000 to make such improvements to their home in order to make it more energy efficient.

When you take out such mortgages or loans in order to make improvements to your home there are certain benefits to be gained from using the ones that we have mentioned above. Certainly making improvements to your home can help in the future to save on your utility bills, but it can also increase the value of the home if you should decide to sell it in the future. Below we take a look at a couple of other benefits to be gained from taking out these kinds of loans or mortgages.

The savings, which you make on the energy costs of your home, actually means that you are able to apply for a much larger sum of money to borrow. So what this means is that you may find that you are actually able to afford the kind of home for you and your family that you did not first think was possible.

Another benefit is that taking out an energy efficient mortgage you will find that you can include the cost 111Cof any improvements that you wish to make within the sum that you wish to borrow. This means again that you are going to be saving yourself money and you are then able to pay back the sum borrowed over the lifetime of the mortgage rather than over a much shorter period.

An Energy Efficient Mortgage, also known as an EEM, can be an important resource in your quest to construct a green, energy efficient home. John Wyeth writes informative articles for - a blog about building, financing, powering and living in your green home.

General Carpentry Knowledge

Building Your Own Distribution Network for Your Products in 4 Ways

Going into a retail industry that requires large volume sales and small profit margins is a deadly place for a small business to start. When you have an innovative idea, produce a few hundred pieces in the cheapest way possible and sell them through your own distribution network - mainly brochure printing and the internet.

The problem with innovation is that most of your consumers need to be educated about the benefits your products offer. You have to remember that for the most part they got along well with their lives without your products. Educating them and building awareness for your products take time and capital.

In addition, you have to cut deals with retail stores with large distribution networks. They are likely to request a bigger inventory to fill up their shelf space on consignment and even demand longer payment terms. Moreover, because they added value to your products, they are going to require a bigger commission on the sale or layer up higher markup.

Building Your Own Distribution Network:

1. Keep your day job. Using the profits from the business at the start up will dry up the funds needed for reinv16CCestment. It takes time and money to grow a business, and the best way to afford the time and money is to have alternate source of income. If you decide to quit your job, live beneath your means and save enough money to sustain you until you hit the payoff.

2. Trade shows are a great avenue for sellers and buyers to meet. When your budget permits attend trade shows to market your products for potential distributors. Another way is to join various online forums that target the industry you cater to.

3. Work a business model that allows you to target your customers directly and be profitable. Although you're waiting for the big payoff, small profits can go a long way in sustaining your business or preventing your costs to choke off cash flow. You can start with direct sales online the profit of which you can use for reinvesting.

4. Do your own word-of-mouth marketing. At the start of your business, in addition to all the functions you have to do, you are also working as your own sales representative. It can mean making cold calls or mailing sales letters to different companies and hoping to be given a chance to do demonstrations.

5. If big retailers are too bureaucratic to deal with, look for related businesses that are willing to buy your products. These small businesses are more flexible when it comes to the products they carry because they have more specialized offers. In addition, for most small businesses the owners can invest on products that have the potential to be best sellers over time.

6. Give away brochures. You can help word-of-mouth spread a long better with brochure printing. You can use them to inform your customers about the unique benefits of your products. Better yet tell stories. People love stories and they like the underdogs, you can talk about the process you've undergone to put up the business from conceptualization to marketing.

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For more inquiries kindly visit Brochure Printing

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Bathroom Countertops

Strategies To Building A Huge List

Building a huge opt-in list will boost your business productivity dramatically and increase your revenue by far. So how do you build that list and keep it in place?

Here are a few strategies that you can implement to help you build that huge opt-in list.

1. Create a lead capture page with a opt-in web form and in exchange for your subscribers email you will want to offer them something with value, perhaps a report relating to your niche, quiz or a survey.

By providing your subscriber with something for FREE that contains a lot of value, your subscriber will feel that he or she isn't being sold on something straight up front if he opts-in. You also give yourself credibility for not trying to sell them upfront.

2. Keep your capture page simp5B3le and get straight to the point. Remember to give 2 options for your subscribers when they are subscribing to your opt-in list. A option where they can leave there name and another for their e-mail address.

The key to building that huge opt-in list is to provide your subscribers with FREE valuable information that can truly help them and they will come back to you for more. Make your follow up responses more then just a sales pitch, give your subscribers what they want to hear and something that is useful.

3. Also creating a page with several videos about different business ideas, marketing ideas and simple techniques to generate traffic to various sites.

Once again only you have control over your business and your list but remember when you are giving people something for free with a valuable follow up that is HUGE in this industry of Internet Marketing and you will explode your sales / profits over a period of time.

Christoper Pambos is a experienced internet marketer and trainer of Home Business owners. If you would like to learn how to establish your own online business and drive massive amounts of targeted traffic to your website then visit our company website.


Gable Vent Built From Wood
Garage Light

Building The Winning Team

Winning teams arent created by accident. Rather, the team or project leader functions like a coach who recognizes special talents in people and, at the same time, gets them to work together toward a common goal. The following steps will help you select a cohesive team and set it in the right direction.

Evaluate team candidates.
You may be called upon to assemble a team of players from different or competing organizations to take on a special assignment. Or, you have to pick from your own staff those who should work together on a particular project. Too often, leaders merely assess a projects demands and select people on technical qualifications. But that approach can fail if the personalities and specific talents dont mesh. Teams succeed when leaders give as much thought to team relationships as to the tasks that need to be performed.

Team members should complement each others talents.257C For example, one worker may find it easy to come up with idea, but may find it difficult to analyze problems. Another worker may have analytical skills but may not be creative. These two would play to each others strengths. Also recognize that some people can take a project and run it with little guidance. Others need every detail spelled out. Make sure you have a mixture of necessary skill sets to get the job done.

Get the team off the ground.
Clarify the following for team members.

  1. The big picture and goals.
  2. Explain the teams mission / purpose and how it fits in with the companys or departments goals. Therefore members will become more motivated and empowered to get involved.
  3. The positive attributes and experience of each member that led to his or her selection. Explain the need for a variety of skills or expertise in developing effective teams.
  4. The who does what when. When a team is formed, people often are confused about their particular roles and responsibilities. Get the team immediately involved in establishing specific short-term objectives as well as determining the steps required to accomplish these objectives. This helps members quickly move from the me to the we stage of effective teamwork.

Maintain involvement and productivity.
At this stage, members begin to understand what roles they need to play in order to reach the teams objectives. The next step is to determine a set of ground rules of how they will operate together. Team members need to define effective team behaviors. For example, they need to discuss how they will handle conflict, how they will make decisions, how they will address inappropriate or counter-productive behaviors, etc.

Look out for these danger signs.
You have a problem if members: Dont take responsibility for their actions; Break into subgroups instead of sharing work; Expect others to solve their problems; miss deadlines and lose interest in their work.

If problems arise among team members, act quickly. Have regular scheduled lets see how were doing meetings to address issues, conflicts, and uncertainties. Also provide on-going interactive skills training in group problem-solving techniques.

Dont expect teams to develop in the dark. Make sure you have provided the light that will spark members involvement, participation, and productivity.

Marcia Zidle, a business and leadership development expert, works with entrepreneurial organizations who want to be a dominant player in competing for customers, clients, funding or community awareness.

In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy say, Toto, I have a feeling were not in Kansas anymore. Well business, government and community leaders, Marcia says, Its no longer business as usual anymore; its business that has to better than usual.

Do you want to be better than usual? Then subscribe to Making Waves! a free monthly e-newsletter with quick lessons on better, faster, smarter ways to lead. Sign up now at and get a 35 page bonus e-book: Make Bold Change! 101 Ways to Stomp Out Business As Usual. Or contact Marcia directly at 800-971-7619.

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Big Mold Problems