
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Think And Grow Rich - Nonsense!

It's ironic that on the eve of Ted Ciuba's recent launch of his "The New Think And Grow Rich" that I heard another internet marketer, Matt Bacak say in a teleseminar that the original Think And Grow Rich should be tossed out and not in favour of an updated version. However, Bacak was not totally denouncing this legendary book which many have said has deeply influenced their lives and helped them to strike it rich. For instance, W Clement Stone, a multi-millionaire and mentor to America's Success Coach, Jack Canfield said,

"One of the most important days of my life was the day I began to read Think and Grow Rich."

International best-selling author of "You Were Born Rich", Bob Proctor, also credits this book to contributing to his phenomenal success. And here I was listening to Bacak suggesting that the title of this classic should at least be re-worked to "Act and Grow Rich".

Somehow it doesn't have the same ring to it but I do understand where he is coming from. There is a lot of talk about developing a wealth mindset in order to successfully accumulate wealth and I believe this to be absolutely fundamental. However, Bacak's point was that many people stop short here. They don't follow through. They don't take action. I agree with this as well.

However, I also think that if this is the case then there's a piece missing in their personal success puzzle, that somehow the mental conditioning or, I should say, mental re-conditioning has not been thorough enough. If it had been, they would take action. They would do the steps needed to create the results they desire in their life.

It's kinda like the chicken and egg theory. If you believe that everything begins as a thought or an idea, then it follows that thought must precede any action whether it leads to poverty or wealth. Therefore, Napoleon Hill's book, though outdated in some areas, and Ted Ciuba updated, "super-charged" version are apt in their titles.

So why is success so elusive for so many people? Let's take a look at what constitutes success. There are many definitions for success but one of my favourites is that of Earl Nightingale:

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal."

Bob Proctor, describes an "ideal" can be described as an idea that you fall in love with. Herein lies the first clue as to why so many people do not succeed. They simply are not "in love" with or committed to the idea of the thing they say they want. It would be nice to achieve it but if not, no big deal.

Commitment is important for other reasons. Without it you will not have the mental stamina to withstand the potential opposition, ridicule and rejection that your idea might receive and you will most likely abandon your idea at the first hurdle.

Another reason why success can be elusive is because we do not fully understand the creative process. We over-rely on our physical senses. We believe in that which we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

"Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe." St Augustine

It is a difficult concept for many to accept that we are creative thinking centres. We forget that everything around us, everything, existed first as thought - an idea. When you can hold an idea or thought in your mind you have created your thing on the first plane of existence.

This brings me to my next point, why sometimes we do not succeed. It is our inability to hold consistent thoughts. Many people's minds are a battleground of conflicting thoughts and ideas. Such a state creates turmoil; not only in that person's mind but also in their body eventually resulting is disease for a diseased body is simply a body which is not at ease. Such inner turmoil also leads to an inability to take effective action.

Anyone who has ever meditated will appreciate that holding a single thought in one's mind is a challenging task. However, meditation is one way in which to develop your mental fortitude.

"Because you counter the majority of your thoughts with opposing thoughts, you believe that you are not powerful. When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power." Abraham-Hicks

Dr Robert Anthony, author of "The Secret of Doing Without Doing" says that we just don't comprehend the power of our thoughts and so we focus on our actions with the result that,

"If you analyse it, 90% of most people's actions are spent trying to compensate for inappropriate thought."

It's like we are trying to get our own way through force and the Universe mocks us when we do so. However, when we work with Universal Laws then our progress becomes virtually effortless. The things, people and resources that we need are drawn to us.

Dr Robert Anthony reminds us that action is the last step in the process of creation.

"Actions are necessary, but they are the last component of the creation processes. Actions cannot be used effectively to initiate results, because initiation of the function of BEING, then thought, then action."

Mat5B0t Bacak was right we do need to take action but when we do so without investing in thinking about what we desire and developing the right mindset then we end up doing a lot of work with little to show for it.

When you can fully align yourself with the vibrational energy of being rich which is achieved through thought, then the actions you need to take will be shown to you. The hard work lies in the thinking.

So it would appear that to think and grow rich is in no sense nonsense!

Nickolove Lovemore is a Life & Success Coach. Subscribe to Skyline Coaching blog, for lots of special offers. Plus develop your own wealth mindset with great, FREE money reports and money book. Simply email

Bill Gates
Walt Disney

Law of Attraction - Vibration Therapy

We invest time and energy in healing our skin, our relationships, our colons, our cars and many other "things" in life. But many of us ignore the most important therapy we could attend to: our vibration.

Simply put, your vibration is the energy you broadcast according to your thoughts and feelings. We know that everything in the Universe is made of energy, including us, and our thoughts and feelings. Your vibration is that culmination of energy.

If you're feeling hopeful, you're vibration is "hope," and you'll attract things that will inspire you to feel more hope. If you're thinking about how awful your job is, your vibe 111Cis "awful" and you'll attract more reasons to feel awful.

Your vibration dictates what you experience in life. As you vibrate, you attract. Paying attention to - and more specifically, improving - your vibration is time well spent.

Tending to your vibe allows you to deliberately dial into an energy that attracts what you want in life. Yes, we're talking about the Law of Attraction and how "form follows thought."

Since we get what we vibrate, virtually everyone can benefit from a little vibration therapy. How do we do that? Boiled down to the basics, vibration therapy is about feeling good. Here are four tried and true methods to easily move up the energetic spectrum, putting you in better alignment with the good things you want. (Which is, of course, how we get them.)

Release Resistance

Whenever you push against something, you're actually vibrating it. When I don't want my boyfriend to be late, I'm vibrating "late boyfriend." When we lobby for stronger anti-cruelty animal laws, we vibrate "cruelty to animals." When we complain about drug-dealing neighbors, we vibrate exactly that. So resisting anything actually tangles you up in it even more.

We get what we vibrate.

One of the best ways to rehabilitate your vibration is to stop pushing against what you don't want. Make peace with what is, and stop fighting against reality.

That doesn't mean you're stuck with what is, or that your current reality is what you're doomed to live forever. It does mean the first step in changing what you're living is giving up the fight against it.

Releasing the resistance to what you're fighting against offers immediate relief to your vibration. You'll feel an instant boost when you make peace with what is.

Eliminate Tolerations

Some believe tolerance is a virtue; a trait to embrace. But in truth tolerations aren't necessarily good for your vibration.

From the Latin tolerare, which means to "bear" or "endure," you can get a sense for why a toleration would be a drag on your energy. (Hint: it's not the same as making peace with!)

To tolerate something means to "allow the existence of, to permit or endure or put up with something." This implies that the something (or someone) is less than ideal and tends to drain a person's energy. Thus, a toleration is often a hindering influence to our vibration.

So how do you eliminate tolerations? First you identify them. Jack Canfield suggests making an "irritations list" of the things that bother you or otherwise siphon off your energy.

You'll likely find irritations in all areas of life: physical environment, financial, relationships, personal health, etc. After you've identified what's bothering you, get each one handled in whatever way feels best. Clean it, repair it, throw it out, hire help, delegate it, change your habit, or even just change your mind about letting it bother you. There are a variety of ways to eliminate the tolerations in your life. Get creative!

As you unload what doesn't feel good, you'll notice a significant improvement in your vibration.

Find Your Feel Good

Your inner guidance speaks to you throughout the day, giving its two cents worth about what actions to take, what to do, not do, what direction to take. Most of us have learned to tune out that information, but reconnecting with it is a powerful way to find your "feel good."

As you follow your feel good, your vibration naturally buoys up to the heights that will serve you best.

It can be as simple as saying no to invites you don't want to attend; to giving away the jeans that make you feel big; to walking barefoot in the long green grass; holding up traffic to let the other car in.

Sometimes finding what feels good may be too far a stretch, and the best we can reach for is what feels better. Wherever you're at currently, just reach for something that feels better. That'll move your energy up the vibrational scale.

Get Selfish

Most of us are well-trained to put others first; our family, employers, spouses, neighbors, etc. We often end up last on a long list of higher priorities.

And yet, if we aren't doing ourselves first, we don't have anything to offer. If you are not fulfilled, who are you 5B4for others? Empty, unsatisfied, tired and joyless. In that state, what good are you to anyone else anyway?

Realizing you can't give away what you don't own makes it easier to release reluctance in putting yourself on the front burner. Treating yourself as well as you do others allows your energy to hit lofty heights. And once you're in that territory, you are of much more benefit to the rest of the world.

Remember, the reason it's important to manage your vibration and work up the energetic scale is because that's how we get in alignment with the good things we want. Whether it's material possessions like an avenues loft, hybrid car, new ipod or more abstract things like a fulfilling relationship, optimal health, satisfying livelihood - vibrating at the higher end of the scale is what allows those things to manifest.

As dictated by the Law of Attraction, good things happen when we feel good. Indulging in some vibration therapy will elevate you to the heights that allow those good things in.

Here's to enjoying your vibe therapy and all that life has to offer when you choose to feel good!

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City, Utah who helps clients get what they want by leveraging the Law of Attraction. She is co-author of "101 Great Ways to 486Improve Your Life, Vol. 3" and "Inspired Attraction."

Free tips and strategies to use the Law of Attraction to make your wish list come true are yours by signing up for her fluff-free "Get What You Want" bi-monthly ezine at Learn more about using Law of Attraction in the Real World at


Speaking for a Publication

Why write a book and get attention and loads of contacts?

Expertise can sometimes be defined by the articles, columns, responses and books you write. It does not take a lot of effort to write the articles and columns but it does take effort to write a book. Having a book behind your name shows your expertise. After all, you were able to write 300 pages on what it is you do and make references to your work through examples. What a good way to make cold calls and get people to attend your speaking engagements. Your sales efforts will be much easier once you are defined as the expert in the field. You will have something to refer to when speaking or going to a customer (or a potential customer) site.

You can readily quote the information from the book and use charts and graphs that are relevant to your topic. The audience will have an easier time believing what you say and will also likely want to meet with you for further business. You will not only sell books at the back of the room, you will also be selling your services (or that of your company) to a willing audience. Just think back to all the talks that you have attended and also think of those that made the biggest impact on you. You will find that it is likely the ones that had a book for sale. I recently attended a talk by Jack Canfield and enjoyed his presentation and bought his book "Chicken Soup for the Soul". Before purchasing the book, I would have said Jack Who?

By the way, Jack Canfield is an inspiration and his speeches are fantastic. He makes you realize that luck is a result of hard work and persistence! He is truly an expert in his field. His talks are also very informative.

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been networking with others since leaving high school years ago. Realizing that no one really cared about what she did in life unless she had someone to tell and excite. She decided to find the best ways to get peoples attention, be creative in how she presented herself and products, getting people to know who she was, and being visible all the time. Her friends and colleagues have often dubbed her the Networking Queen. Blueprint for Networking Success: 150 ways to promote yourself is the first in this series. Blueprint for Branding Yourself: Another 150 ways to promote yourself is planned for release in 2005. For more information visit

Is Confucianism A Religion
What Is The Meaning Of Life

Universal Law Of Attraction And Action

Currently the latest buzz word or book is called "The Secret" Let me just share with you that this is not a very big secret, as it has been around since the beginning of time. It was the Greek Philosopher Plato in 390 BC that said "Likes tend towards likes" (in other words, likes attract) The Universal Law of Attraction says that you attract and create your own reality based on your thoughts, emotions and intentions. In other words if you think everything is doom and gloom then that is exactly what will come into your life. However, if you think that things are always good and those things will grow and get better as you need them too then that will happen as well.

Buddha said: "What you have become is the result of what you have thought" in other words a positive mind set brings a positive world, and a negative mind set brings a negative world into your life. This is not ruled by your environment or by how much money you have etc. This based purely on how you perceive things, or what your paradigm of the world is.

So if your paradigm of the world is that everybody is always working against you and nothing you ever do will help you be successful, then that is what you will experience. How do you change this? Most people would just say to change your paradigm. However, changing our paradigm is most definitely easier said than done. Usually the negativity that is within us is caused by several years of hearing negative, and being taught negative. Let's face it; the world is full of cynics. Just once I would like to turn on the news and see something that is positive. How about telling us that today at the local hospital 26 babies were born? Would not that be a lot more refreshing then seeing the number of soldiers that were killed in Iraq since the war started? Am I saying that we should turn a blind eye to things of importance like a war? No I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is that the world is full of negativity, so it is hard to escape it. It's difficult to not think negatively, because we are bombarded with negative energy from everywhere, every minute of everyday. It is in every aspect of our culture.

So... "The Secret" talks about the Universal Law of Attraction, but it misses one very important Universal Law: The Universal Law of Action. Very few things in life fall into our lap as this movie/book suggests. What this message is really telling us is that our thoughts, emotions and intentions create our own reality. However, you can be as positive as you want about having a lot of money but if you do not go out and do the things necessary to get the money it will never come. They speak about Jack Canfield the gentlemen that wrote the Chicken soup for the Soul books and how he took a dollar bill and wrote zero's at the end of it and manifested nearly $ 100,000.00 into his life. This is a true story and I have seen it many times just in a different setting with a different person. However, what they do not focus on very much in this story is this: He had to write the book first to get the money. You also have to work on the emotional aspects of your life to be able to think positively enough to create that positive world.

So what do we do first?

We need to start working on ourselves from within. We need to see things with a clear mind. It's very hard to see things on that level if we can not have a control on our own emotions. When we are not in touch with our own emotions we are denying our truest self to show through. How do we look clearly at ourselves, and start to work on our selves. There are many ways actually, and I strongly believe that one of the strongest tools we can use is to journal. This past year, I have done a lot of journaling. It helps me to get all of the thoughts and emotions that I have stored up there out there on paper. Even if this never falls on human ears, it has still been said, and that is all that matters. Meditation, focusing on where you want to be, and the goals you want to achieve are very important to healing ourselves from within, and becoming a more emotionally intelligent person. In some cases we may need outside help to assist us in healing pains and emotional traumas that we cannot access on our own. Many times, the spirit is so broken by our past pain, that it is almost impossible for us to do this on our own. Proverbs 17:22 states: "A joyful heart is a good medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

In a biblical sense this is further proof that our positive thoughts not only attract good things, but they help us to heal and have a healthier life. Psalm 36:9 says "In thy light, we see light" so in other words, if you see things in a positive way, you are going to see the positive in situations instead of always dwelling on the negative. Matthew 7:8 "For every one who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened." Basically, what we ask for we get.

Recap: So the Universal Law of Attraction and Action are very important tools that we can use to manifest a wonderful enriching world around us. Buddha would refer to the heightened state in life or the end of emotional pain and suffering as "Enlightenment". A 20th century psychologist named Abraham Maslow referred to this as Self Actualization. I am ca21F7lling this level Synergy. This is a total state of emotional awareness in which you are able to manifest a positive and enriching life for yourself, and you are also able to maintain it.

This means not letting the simple things bother you, and facing the hard emotional traumas in our life head on instead of running from them. Each experience in our life is something that helps us grow as human beings. We are constantly evolving creatures. Only with our experiences in life can we grow and learn, and achieve that heightened state of living.

Blessed be.

Rev. Jeremy McDonald
Jeremy worked professionally as a corporate trainer and speaker for many years. He has also been successful in the mortgage, banking and real estate industries. While recuperating from a very bad depression, Jeremy decided to pursue a path that he had always wanted to take, to start the Lamplight Group. Teaching people is Jeremy's first love. " Nothing makes me happier then to see the light bulb go off in a student's head." Jeremy has won several sales awards and has been awarded the "Outstanding Corporate Liaison" award from Junior Achievement, a charity that teaches kids the financial skills they will need for the future. He is also a well known Psychic in the new age community. |

James Allen

Communication Style Quiz

Try this fun self-quiz to find out your dominant Communication Style. Afterwards read about the different styles and reflect on how you can work with others of a different style. Choose the number of the statement that most closely resembles you:

1. At a large social gathering, you are most likely to:

a. interact with many different people, strangers included.
b. talk one-on-one mostly with people you already know.
c. use the opportunity to make important contacts.
d. leave as soon as it is polite to do so.

2. When you first arrive at a meeting you are usually

a. ...a bit late, and try to sneak in the back without being noticed.
b. ...purposely a bit late, you like to get there when things have started happening already.
c. ...arrive right on time and feel impatient if the meeting starts late.
d. ...arrive early so that you can be ready and organized when the meeting starts.

3. If you were famous in your field, which career would most suit you?

a. Movie star
b. Head of a company
c. Inventor
d. Humanitarian

4. What style of entertainment do you most enjoy watching?

a. Something warm and friendly.
b. Something quirky and intellectual.
c. Something political or satirical.
d. Something wild, outrageous and/or fun.

5. Of these four personality traits, you consider your strongest to be:

a. Compassion
b. Assertiveness
c. Imagination
d. Persistence

6. The statement that most closely describes you is:

a. Sensible and frugal.
b. Rational and quick-witted.
c. Sensitive and reliable.
d. Creative and fiery.

7. Which appeals to you the most?

a. Taking action on a calculated risk.
b. Creating harmonious human relationships.
c. Discovering the secret behind a complex mystery.
d. Going to an exciting social event.

8. Which rules you more?

a. Your heart
b. Your head
c. Your wallet
d. Your libido

9. New and non-routine interaction with others:

a. ...usually stimulates and energize you.
b. ...revitalizes you, if you have a special connection with someone in the process.
c. ...taxes your reserves, and you arent afraid to let people know it.
d. ...taxes your reserves, so you quietly slip away when no one is watching.

10. When doing group projects, which part of the process is most important to you?

a. Creating relationships with people.
b. Sorting out who is playing what role in the project.
c. Organizing the way the project is done.
d. Making sure the process of doing it is fun and exciting.

11. If you suddenly have some spare time on a weekend, what you usually most WANT to do is:

a. several friends and see if there is something fun going on.
b. ...have some quality time with one or a just a few people.
c. ...get a number of important things done on your TO DO list.
d. ...focus your energy on one specific hobby or project.

12. You want to buy a special gift for a new friend that you dont know very well. You are most likely to:

a. Buy the first thing you see that you intuitively think they would like.
b. Carefully find just the right thing, after much comparison-shopping.
c. Buy the same special gift you always buy for special people.
d. Get someone else to buy the gift, or just give your friend some money.

13. Which description most fits you?

a. Hard working and ambitious
b. Animated and gregarious
c. Focused and efficient
d. Cooperative and gentle

14. Most of the time, when working, you prefer:

a. To do your job quietly on your own.
b. To be an integral part of a team working together.
c. To influence the team in new and creative directions
d. To be the leader and structure-maker for the team

15. When the phone rings do you

a. ...answer it immediately and talk at length.
b. ...look forward to the call, but wait a few rings before answering.
c. with whoever it is quickly and efficiently.
d. ...hope someone else will answer it.

16. Your favorite type of clothing to wear:

a Something comfortable, practical and low key.
b. A unique ensemble that makes a statement.
c. An expensive-looking power outfit.
d. Something easy-going and nice.

17. Which genre of fiction to you most prefer:

a. Mystery, documentary or science fiction
b. Feel-good story or romance
c. Epic, historical or action
d. Comedy, psychological thriller, glitzy

18. Which is more admirable:

a. The ability to organize and be methodical.
b. The ability to take charge in a chaotic situation.
c. The ability to motivate others to succeed.
d. The ability to make people feel comfortable and included.

19. In terms of comedy, I most closely identify with people who can:

a. tell a heartwarming, funny story.
b. tell a good joke.
c. create great characters through movement, voice, costume, etc.
d. tell a witty one-liner, pun, or wordplay.

20. If a conflict arises between a friend and I, my first reaction is to:

a. make sure they understand my position on things.
b. make sure the relationship doesnt get damaged.
c. avoid that person for a while.
d. find a compromise, where we both get at least part of what we want.

Communication Style Quiz - Answers

Circle 1FA8the answers you chose. Then, count the number of As, Ds, Ns, and Cs you have at the bottom

1. a. D b. N c. A d. C 2. a. N b. D c. A d. C 3. a. D b. A c. C d. N 4. a. N b. C c. A d. D 5. a. N b. A c. D d. C 6. a. C b. A c. N d. D 7. a. A b. N c. C d. D 8. a. N b. C c. A d. D 9. a. D b. N c. A d. C 10. a. N b. A c. C d. N 11. a. D b. N c. D d. C 12. a. D b. N c. C d. A 13. a. A b. D c. C d. N 14. a. C b. N c. D d. A 15. a. D b. N c. A d. C 16. a. C b. D c. A d. N 17. a. C b. N c. A d. D 18. a. C b. A c. D d. N 19. a. N b. A c. D d. C 20. a. A b. N c. C d. D

Total As _____
Total Ds ______
Total Ns ______
Total Cs ______

Total should come to 20

Read on about the various Communication styles. Keep in mind, the descriptions that follow are extreme examples to illustrate how they differ. Most people are a combination of the four styles, and some people are so unique, they dont fit into any quadrant. Use the descriptions simply as a guideline to help you see how workplace communications can be greatly affected by an individuals style


Demonstrators are people-oriented, fast-paced and enthusiastic. They usually have more open and casual body language. They tend to be animated and outgoing, and prefer an informal atmosphere. Demonstrators can be outrageous, spontaneous, excitable and sociable. They are ideas people who like to be in the limelight. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being unreliable, self-centered, overly optimistic and indiscriminate.

How to recognize Demonstrators

They tend to:

be somewhat disorganized

have trouble being on time and keeping track of details

wear bright colors

sit in an open posture

take the initiative in the conversation

laugh easily and loudly

are fun-loving

like to talk about themselves

Types of professions where you find many Demonstrators


Trial Lawyer


Public Relations Officer

Advertising Executive

Social director

Famous people who are predominantly Demonstrators

Steve Martin
Carol Burnett
Robin Williams
Jim Carey
Lucille Ball
Jerry Lewis
Elvis Presley
Zig Ziglar
Pierre Trudeau
Marilyn Monroe
Charlie Chaplin


Assertors are fast-paced and direct, like Demonstrators, but are more task-oriented, than people-oriented. They tend to be hard working, ambitious, leader types. They are good at making decisions quickly and efficiently. They are goal-oriented, assertive and confident. Assertors are the take-charge people who let nothing stop them. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too impatient, competitive and judgmental.

How to recognize Assertors

They tend to:

like timeliness and efficiency
look and appear powerful and formal
sit in an erect posture
be highly discriminating in many areas (people, opportunities, food, etc.)
laugh less frequently than demonstrators, maintain a more serious demeanor
take a leadership role in most situations
ask pointed or challenging questions
have strong opinions and creative ideas to share

Types of professions where you find many Assertors

Corporate CEO
Hard-driving newspaper reporter
Independent consultant
Drill sergeant
Film/TV Director

Famous people who are predominantly Assertors

Jonathan Winters
Bea Arthur
Joan Rivers
John Cleese
Muhammed Ali
Carroll OConnor
Ed Asner
Clint Eastwood
Candace Bergen
George C. Scott
David Letterman
Margaret Thatcher


Contemplators are task-oriented like Assertors. However they are more indirect and slow-paced. Contemplators tend to be analytical, detail-oriented, thinker types. They are persistent, good problem solvers, and pride themselves on their orderliness and accuracy. Often seen alone, they tend to have quiet, low-key personalities. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too withdrawn, rigid, closed-minded, and overly pessimistic.

How to recognize Contemplators

They tend to:

wear conservative, simple, functional clothing
sit in a closed posture
keep to themselves
not initiate conversations, wait for you to do that
take copious notes
maintain meticulous organization
stay serious, rarely laugh
like to hear facts, figures, statistics and proof

Types of professions where you find many Contemplators

Repair person

Famous people who are predominantly Contemplators

Albert Einstein
Rick Moranis
Steven Wright
Woody Allen
Leonard Nimoy
Paula Poundstone
Deepak Chopra
Victor Borge
Carl Sagan
Al Gore
Angela Lansbury


Narrators are slow-paced and indirect like Contemplators, but they are more people-oriented like Demonstrators. They are warm, friendly, gentle and cooperative. They highly value relationships over goals. They are good at listening, have a sweet temperament, and tend to be open-minded. Most people find them to be loving, and emotionally intuitive. If over-balanced in this style it can show up as overly meek and easily sidetracked.

How to recognize Narrators

They tend to:

come across as very accommodating and helpful
wear casual, simple clothing, nothing too loud
take the initiative to create relationships, like to both talk and listen
have pictures of family on their desk
laugh quietly and often (but sometimes theyre laughing just to be polite)
show gratitude easily

Types of professions where you find many Narrators

Human Resources Manager
Social Worker

Famous people who are predominantly Narrators

Mary Tyler Moore
Bill Cosby
Jean Stapleton
John Candy
Mr. Rogers
Gilda Radner
Dan Ackroyd
Jack Canfield (Editor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books)
Leo Buscaglia
Jimmy Carter
Barbara Walters
Bill Clinton
Florence Nightengale

Carla Rieger is an expert on creative people skills at work. If you want a motivational speaker, trainer, or leadership coach to help you stay on the creative edge, contact Carla Rieger.

Web site:
Tel: 1-866-294-2988

Howard Cutler
Richard Dawkins

Now Is Better - Relax And Be Happy

Hi Everyone, The Science of Getting Rich is not only about inspired action and thought, It is also about relaxing, having fun and enjoying your God given life! Who wants to be around someone who is so serious all of the time? Having fun is attractive and is the base for attraction. It's a higher vibration. The reason I am writing this article is to let you know that we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously. Now is better, be playful, even if it feels like nothing is going right.

This has happened to me so many times that is why I am writing this. We focus on the things we want and then get ticked off when they don't show up on OUR time. We push and push and wear our selves down until we're frustrated, angry and tired. Only to find what we wanted shows up without our awareness of it and often times even better than we expected!

I have been guilty of this so many times now that I'm finally starting to get the lesson. I am often too serious about making a living, doing this and doing that and often forget to be happy for what I have and who I am. What I am saying is-- What makes you smile? What makes you feel good? Focus on those things. We can't change the past but when you do look back, loo1031k for the good, even if you think that there isn't any, there is. Everyone has some good in their past! As you accept that good feeling you are transferring it to the NOW, which is present time and that is all we have, present time. The more you do this, ( in my experience) there seems to be more good to focus on, and what you thought was bad starts to fall away like it wasn't there in the first place.

Quick story, I am a realtor by trade. I listed my brother and his wife's home two years ago. They listed it on their own for quite a while before they asked me to list it. This is a very nice home all custom wood work etc.-- half million dollar home. (That is a higher price range here, so it sometimes takes longer... so I think.) I had the listing for 6 or 7 months with some action and no offers. They have moved out and into their new home (downsized, kids are gone) and getting a little nervous about paying two mortgages.

It's February now and this is the time for his annual ski trip out west. Before he left I told him to have fun and focus on your skiing and we will have an offer when you get back! I did an open house that weekend and while I was waiting for someone to show up, I relaxed and quieted my thoughts. During that open house a couple shows up, loves the house and within 4 days we had an accepted offer. What a nice surprise! That couple told me that when they would drive out from where they lived to look at homes they would always turn right at a certain stop sign. That day they turned left and had no idea why. (I do!) The Universe was in control.

The point of that short story is that when my brother was having fun and relaxing the Universe was lining things up (My sister-in-law was working. Tax season started and she was focused on that in case your were wondering) And I also gave it up to the Universe and let God handle it, I was doing all I could on my end. Also, it gets even better, being that the buyers came in on an open house and were not working with another agent, I received both sides of the commission-which works for me and the sellers. ( Brother and sister-in -law) They did not have to pay the full commission because of the way the contract was written, which allowed them to take a little less on the offer! It was a win, win, win for everyone. God is good!

Now is better-relax and be happy! Get out and have some fun it will take your mind off of any issues that may be bothering you!

Thank You, Make it a great day!

Tony Laufenberg

Tony laufenberg operates a blog called In his site he talks about how you can attract into your life the things you want from studying a book called the "Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. Tony talks about different ways you can train yourself to feel better and also you can pick up the book "The Science of Getting Rich" for FREE.

Also you can receive 7 FREE LESSONS about the laws of attraction taught by stars in the movie "The Secret" Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor and Dr. Michael Beckwith. Listen to and watch the videos.

Eastern Buddhism
Northern Buddhism

My Game Plan

I have been teaching teenagers for almost 5 years now, and I find this group of students both challenging and rewarding to work with. The kids are challenging because they are at the beginning of that stage in life dreaded by most parents and teachers alike. You guessed it right - PUBERTY!

On the other hand, the experience is rewarding for different reasons. Because the kids are battling with hormonal changes, pressure from peers to blend in, pressure from (some) parents to achieve, conflict between school rules and their search for an identity (thus the weird hair do, the psychedelic nail polish, etc), to get them focused on goals and what it is they really want for themselves is already quite a feat.

It is such a cliche to hear them complain, that sometimes they are told they are too old, and then another time, to be told they are too young, by the same people.

So at the beginning of the year, I expect them to go through a process. The process of knowing where they ARE now (point A), and where they want to BE (point B) by the end of the school year.

So first on the agenda is GOAL SETTING.

This will take several 45-minute lessons, and students will have to revisit their goals to make adjustments periodically througout the year.

Lesson 1: Ask students to write what it is they want to reach or achieve in school this year.

Most of the time, you will get goals that are so stereotypical such as, "To learn more vocabulary", "To get good grades", or "To become better at English". That's OK. Initially, I accept them. But these only tell me that my students still have not really gotten to their deepest selves and asked their "WHY" for learning.

Then we discuss the whole idea of using SMART to make up goals. S means the goal has to be specific. M is for measurable. A is for attainable. R is for result-oriented. And T means the goal has to be time-bound.

To make it clear to students, I ask for a volunteer whose goal we are going to apply SMART on to determine whether it's a good goal or not. Here, it is important for the volunteer to feel that it is for the purpose of making the goal better if it needs adjustment, and not to open it for criticism.

I also make a special point about a goal being not really a goal unless there is a time element involved. And that without a time limit or target as to when the goal is to be reached, it is merely a wish!

So students look at their goals and then they apply SMART to ask themselves if their goals are on track, or if adjustments are needed. Then they write them up on colored paper, usually half A4 size. I put these up on the door of my classroom, or just somewhere easy for them to see everyday.

Lesson 2: Show students parts of The Secret video.

The Secret video is simply about the Law of Attraction. In this video, philosophers, medical professionals, authors, scientists, metaphysicians, and other very highly credible people talk about the Law of Attraction. This law simply states that the universe corresponds to our thoughts, and therefore, what we think about becomes things. Thus, to know about this Law of Attraction gives one the power to bring about things we want in our lives.

Not all the topics in the video would apply to students, so just pick and choose. To know more about The Secret, visit the website of Bob Proctor, or that very famous co-author of the Chickensoup series of books, Jack Canfield. The individuals featured in The Secret have also been featured in Larry King Live and on the Ellen Degeneres show, so you might want to check them out from there.

The Law Of Attraction works in three stages:

1. Ask

Find out what it is you really want and ask for it.

2. Believe

You have to believe in your heart that you will have what it is you ask for.

3. Receive

Live with an attitude of gratitude. Live as if you already have what it is you ask for. Only then will you be worthy of receiving.

Lesson 3: Show students a movie.

Of course, I don't mean just any movie here. This year, I chose the movie titled, "GOAL" for several reasons. One, a good number of my kids this year are sports enthusiasts. And the movie "Goal" embodies the passion of somebody who has the gift for playing football, and the main character pursued his goal of becoming a professional footballer despite the challenges, one of them being the fact that his father does not even believe he could make it.

Now, now, don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating raising rebellion in the family for your students. When my students asked why does the main character's ("Santiago") father says and believes what he says, I just said most parents don't want to see their kids get hurt when they fail, because they have so much love for their children.

But the idea the movie conveys is that when you have a dream, you should follow it, for you never know what your limits are, until you have given it all you have. And most of the time, when people see you have a gift for something, they will give you a shot, or help out so you can find your opportunities.

Another movie I would recommend highly wou2238ld be "Stand and Deliver". This movie is about a Math teacher (John Olmos), who believed in his students so much that he was willing to work beyond what is required of him as a teacher to get them ready for a major test that would qualify them for college. It shows a teacher's (YOUR) dedication, but it also shows that students themselves had to do their part to make the impossible happen.

This is based on a true story, and the real story was so unheard of that the students had to be retested just to rule out cheating on the part of the teacher or the students. It's a gripping story, and shows just how much can be accomplished when somebody is focused on a goal, no matter how big it is, or how impossible it seems to others.

Lesson 4: Students assess their goal/s and make necessary changes.

After going through all the previous stages, your students are ready to revisit the goals they have written initially and evaluate it. Many of them will make changes, perhaps to refine the goals, or to change it altogether.

But the most important step now is, what are your kids willing to do in order to achieve the goals they have set up for themselves.

Oftentimes, just to get my message across, I always tell my kids this little story about the three frogs. Here it is: Once there were three frogs perched around a pit. They were deciding whether to jump into the pit or not. After some time, all three decided they would jump into the pit. Now, how many frogs are left on top of the pit?

Ask each of your kids how many they think.

Then here's the punchline: none of the frogs jumped into the pit. All three are still there. Your kids will ask the big question, "Why?"

Well, all three just decided to jump, but they really did not DO it. There is a big difference between "deciding" and actually "doing".

Now tell your kids, look at your goal/s. What do you need to do in order to achieve them?

Guide students to come up with specific actions such as "Read an English novel for 20 minutes at home everyday."


Your students will know whether you really care about them achieving those goals or not. So check on them from time to time. Are they doing what they said they would do in order to achieve their goal/s? What kind of progress have they made so far? If they have already achieved those goals, or feel they are ready to move on to more challenges, would they like to set new goals for themselves, or to make adjustments to the current ones they have?


It is important that students see that you did not do this goal setting lessons with them just to fill in time, or just for lack of material to teach on some days. Though of course, we all go through those.

When students are progressing towards their goals, recognize their efforts and celebrate their achievements in class. Throw a pizza or ice cream party. Or if short on cash, just give them candy.

You will be amazed at what your kids can achieve if you don't put a limit to what they can accomplish. Remember, humans use only 5-10% of their brain at most. Imagine what potential there lies within every individual.

For my part, I've simply been blown away by students who started the year with almost zero English, but by sheer determination, hard work, and a willingness to learn and improve, have gone on to reach their goals of getting into the mainstream, and are at present, recognized leaders and achievers in their classes.

Remember, as a teacher, there is tremendous power in you to make or unmake a child, and thus, an individual. Take good care of that power, and use it to shape remarkable minds!

Have a great year!

Hedda Joy Tady-Tan is an international School Teacher in Thailand. She is also the Editor-In-Chief of - The Filipino Expats Community in Thailand Online.

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Teaching For A Better Life
About That Dream

People Types

Take a look at those around you and reflect on those who have influenced your life the most. What are they doing to your dreams, your esteem and your potential? They are either being destructive or constructive to your future plans. There are four types of people in this world: the Living Dead, the Dreamers, the Achievers and the Exponentially Successful.

We have all met the Living Dead. They tend to suck the energy right out of us. They have given up on life and figure that if they can't be happy, you shouldn't be either. They will often do everything in their power to impede you from achieving your goals. They love to burst your dreams and remind you of all the inherent impossibilities, your past mistakes and why you can't achieve what you are aiming for. They point fingers and seek to pull you down because they see you getting closer and closer to what they wish they had themselves. Many don't tear down your dreams consciously, and they may not even realize why they feel the need to do so. Even in the face of the most intense criticism, you need to have the courage to do the things you know you need to do.

Then there are the Dreamers. Dreamers are full of great ideas. They make many noble attempts at success, but their zeal fizzles before they've solidified that success. They have a plethora of projects perpetually hanging in the midway zone. They tend to say "if only..." and "someday..." and "when such-and-such...." These people go through life stuck in first gear. They're moving, they're plugging along, but it sure is hard on the engine. They turn up the radio so the thrill of the vision drowns out the groan of the struggling machine.

The Achievers have reached a moderate level of success. They are accomplished, they are skillful, but they have not yet forged into the fire. They've climbed the ladder and found a pleasant view, so they've stopped short of the thrilling vistas only a few rungs away. They've found a comfortable spot, so why risk toppling to the bottom now? They're satisfied with the success and accomplishments they've already gained. Living on past success is easy to do. They think, Why rock the boat? It's nice to take a breather, but then that breather often grows more and more into their way of life. Let's just settle for mediocrity, they decide. They refuse to think that there is more to learn. They have made it in their own minds and can't see themselves going to the next level.

The Exponentially Successful are doing what they love. They enjoy life and others enjoy being around them. Life is exciting and they love all that life entails-the challenges and the joys alike. The Exponentially Successful constantly strive to improve themselves. They learn from their mistakes and from the experiences of others. They read, they learn, they risk, and all along the way, they grow, no matter the situation. They are self-confident and well-balanced. They have a passion for life. They know who they are, why they are here and where they are going. These are the people who make massive success look easy. Exponential success is where I want to take you. Now is the time; this is your year.

Take a look around you. Are the people in your life pulling you up or pulling you down? Are they constructive toward your future plans or destructive toward your goals, dreams and aspirations? An important trait exponentially successful people possess is their ability to follow their hearts. It does not matter what other people say or do. They know they are on the right track in pursuit of their dreams. Think what would have happened if Abraham Lincoln had listened to his critics, if Thomas Edison had taken to heart everyone who said his inventions were impossible. What if Bill Gates (while going to Harvard) listened to his counselors and stayed in school? What if Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield listened to the over 100 publishers that turned them down for Chicken Soup for the Soul and hadn't gone on to sell over 100 million copies? I could list volumes of similar stories. Ask anyone you know who is successful and I guarantee you will hear a similar story.

Learning how to persuade and influence will make the difference between hoping for a better income and having a better income. Beware of the common mistakes presenters and persuaders commit that cause them to lose the deal. Get your free report 10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands and explode your income today.


Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically increase your income, improve your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and income you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince someone to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to achieve more and accomplish their goals? What about your relationships? Imagine being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your prospect is thinking and feeling, feel more confident in your ability to persuade. Professional success, personal happiness, leadership potential, and income depend on the ability to persuade, influence, and motivate others.

Kurt Mortensens trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the consumer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are actually 120 available! His message and program has helped thousands and will help you achieve unprecedented success in both your business and personal life.

If you are ready to claim your success and learn what only the ultra-prosperous know, begin by going to and getting my free report "10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands." After reading my free report, go to and take the free Persuasion IQ analysis to determine where you rank and what area of the sales cycle you need to improve in order to close every sale!

Bessie Coleman
Bill Gates

Ample Benefits In Teaming Podcast Radio With Internet Marketing

As the host and Executive Producer of Google's "number one" ranked PodCast Radio Show, I believe we have made a fairly significant discovery that you can almost immediately put in motion to bolster your Internet Marketing efforts, too.

The Art Of PodCasting

There is no dispute that streaming media has been deployed effectively across the Internet now for a number of years. Enthusiasts and professionals alike have clearly figured out how to write copy (for the spoken word), operate simple audio recording software applications, plug in a microphone and record basic as well as highly produced audio messages, presentations, training and yes, even advertisements.

Podcasting is truly nothing more than what I refer to as a blog "plug-in". That is, combining a simple syndicatable blog with an audio component. The practice is very much like ordinary audio streaming (media delivery from server to browser), but with the ability to capture, download and install (automatically on the date and time of your choice) to either a local PC or directly into any one of today's available hand-held audio devices such as iRiver, iPod or Creative Zen.

PodCast Marketing Opportunities

Today's Internet marketers can now combine the power and almost lightning speed of blog syndication with valuable training and advertising messages (just like you might hear across your FM dial).

The PodCast Limit Is Your Imagination

Imagine uniting the ability to syndicate your blog and PodCast (audio component) globally in a matter of seconds.

You could easily and almost effortlessly deliver the following for added impact to your awaiting audience:

1. Product Information

2. Expert Interviews

3. Tutorials (FAQs)

4. Advertisements

5. Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

6. Fund Raising

7. Religious Programming

8. Self-Help and Personal Development

9. Coaching and Consulting

10. Meetings and Reporting

11. Network Marketing Development

These are just a tiny smattering of how you could merge blogging and PodCasting into your Internet Marketing model.

Building Strong Community

With blogging and PodCasting you are really building a more robust interactive community of listeners (prospects and customers). The blogging component allows for the easy implementation of questions, comments and suggestions from listeners (prospects and existing customers) directly into each and every blog/podcast post you make. Internet "stickiness" is key to nurturing a healthy Internet base. PodCasting is undeniably one perfect solution that can do just that for you.

A Search Engine Love Affair

Mindful search engine optimization practices are paramount and required if you are serious about leveling the Net's playing field. Blogging and PodCasting will catapult your position faster than just about any other optimization method available anywhere.

Your PodCast (Audio Blog) will be speak very friendly to those web crawlers in that Podcsting puts in proper pecking order what I like to call the "Search Engine Algorithm - Big 3".

They are:

1. Link Popularity

2. Text Rich

3. Link Rich

Learn All About PodCasting - Boost Awareness

Now's the time to make your move. Get out there. Learn and dis5B4cover all you can and start drafting your very own PodCast plans.

No matter what your Internet Marketing regimen currently consists of, you will certainly want the PodCast arrow placed neatly within your Marketing Quiver!

Happy PodCast Marketing!

About Tony Marino, Ph.D., Marketing

Dr. Tony Marino is not only the CEO of America Web Works (, he is also host of the PodCast Radio Show ( ), the Founder of the, the International ePublisher's Association, Christian Times eBusiness Newsletter and the author of the ePublishing Master's Course at: Additionally, he holds Email Compliance Officer status for many of today's leading Network Marketing companies.

He has also worked with the likes of legendary Direct Marketers Ted Nicholas and Gary Halbert. Best-Selling Authors, Harvey McKay, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. ABC Television's, Jimmie Kimmel and NBC's, Carson Daly. Online Marketers, Dale Calvert and Jay Abraham just to name 38Ba few. His offices are location in Portland and Los Angeles and he'd love to hear from you anytime! - 866-824-9684

Rise Of Mahayana Buddhism

Can You Design Your Perfect Soul Mate? Yes! Here's How To Do It Right

Brandy Sharp, a Hollywood makeup artist, had experienced a very bad year romantically, she said. Everything had gone wrong. Her good lover had been only that, and the rest of him was a disaster. But then, she admitted, a good lover was only what she had been looking for.

So Brandy and her daughter went to the beach at Malibu on an overcast, coolish January 1st to contemplate their future, get out of the apartment, and basically just get away.

Not Another Year of Misery

Brandy didn't want her four-year-old daughter exposed to another year of turmoil, nor did she want it for herself. She had had enough, and then some.

Can I Picture the Perfect Person?

So Brandy dug down into the sand and started daydreaming. "What would be the perfect man for me?" she asked herself, and started writing things down on the note pad she had brought with her.

"I was very specific, right down to body size and the darkish Mediterranean skin color that I like. I also wanted him to be at least 6 ft. tall. He needed to be a good lover, but that's not all. Id made that mistake before."

"I wanted someone I could talk to and who would talk to me. I wanted conversation we could both enjoy. And he has to be spiritual. "

What Qualities Are Important to Me?

"A good sense of humor is also very important," she said. And he needs to enjoy his work and make a good living.

And most important, he has to love my daughter and the rest of my family. We are a big family and I want him to like them and them to like him. "

"Of course, he needs to be very attracted to me, and I need to be very attracted to him."

She began to enjoy making her list. She thought about all the things that made her feel good. She thought about the kind of food she likes, and places she likes to go. She added these to her list.

By the time it got too chilly at the beach, and her daughter was all sandy and hungry, she had most of her list of items ready.

Did She Find Her Soul Mate?

That was two years ago. She says she can't find the list today.

But six months after she made the list, she found the man.

Her list was engraved on her heart, so when a friend introduced them, out of the blue--she recognized him immediately. Without knowing it, she had activated the law of attraction. Now she understands. She knows exactly what she did.

I Actually Found the Perfect Man!

"I actually designed just exactly who I wanted--and I got him. He is exactly what I was looking for in every way. I wish I had known I could do it -- I would have done it sooner. We are so much in love with each other! We are so happy! I attracted the man of my dreams."

Can you design your own perfect soul mate? Yes. That person is already out there. It is your job to attract that person to you by being very specific about what you want. When you focus on what you want, what you don't want falls away," says and Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and motivational speaker.

There are two important things to notice.

1. You must be very exact and specific.
2. What you think about, you will attract, and everything else will fall away.

Number One Thing to Do

So, do the first most important thing, and start your list today. You can use some of the guidelines Brandy used, and you can add your own.

* Height
* Weight
* Age
* Good lover
* Sense of humor
* Good conversationalist
* Good listener
* Spiritual
* Loves my daughter and my family
* Makes a good living
* Enjoys his work
* Very attracted to each other

Number Two Thing To Do

Now, do the other most important thing. Think only about the person you have described in your list. Let yourself enjoy thinking about your perfect soul mate. Do not spend time thinking about what you don't want. Erase from your mind all those bad experiences of the past. Rhonda Byrne, author and filmmaker, who successfully designs her own life, says that when you continue to think about what your do want, you attract that person to you. The ones who dont qualify just vanish.

In Conclusion

Can you design your own perfect soul mate? Yes, you can; and now you know how to do it.

That person is on their way to you even now. Be on the lookout!

Dr. Kathy Joyce Abbott and Stella Pacific are miracle coaches in the entertainment industry in Hollywood, California. They specialize in removing obstacles to success in people's lives -- emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. Hundreds of their positive affirmations are in studios, homes, and offices in Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Hollywood and around the world. Get a free lifetime membership to ecards and printables at today. Think the thoughts to attract the right person into your life - and use these cards to do it.

Pablo Picasso
Will Rogers

5 Principles of Attraction for the Entrepreneur

Some things come to us naturally. For instance, breathing is habitual, eating is a necessity and sleeping is a needed rejuvenation from a hard day. We seldom think about how we perform these activities. For most, they are effortless. Similarly, each of the Principles of Attraction could be accessed with lucid, internal reflection. Fortunately, with our busy lifestyles, others have helped us by sharing them in cohesive thoughts. In starting, or maintaining, a business they can be used to propel us forward.

All in all, there are 28 Principles of Attraction (Copyright 2005 by Coach U. Inc. available for you to utilize in demanding a fantastic future. Below you will find five to begin working with. Keep in mind that these start in your personal life first and then spill over into the business world. Unless they are well practiced and ingrained into who you are, they will never translate successfully or authentically in business. Creating a vision is the first principle of attraction for the Entrepreneur.

Principle #1: Creating a vision allows you to see what is coming, which means you dont need to create a future.

Instead you are creating an intention and becoming really clear about what you want and how to get it. The theory behind this is that once you state your intention, it begins to manifest itself.

Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth, argues that this is the most important step. His book outlines the importance of knowing what you want and the type of lifestyle you want to create. From there, he suggests you build your business to fit your ideal lifestyle before your life has no choice but to surrender to your business needs. Sounds like a good plan, right?

Remember to have a big vision. Michelangelo says: "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." You deserve the best this world has to offer. The question is will you be courageous enough to make it happen?

In order to follow your vision, you have to be committed. When you work toward what you really want, you are far more likely to achieve your goals. If you find yourself missing the mark, take ownership. Stop making excuses and stop blaming other people. Look inside, evaluate if you really want it and then figure out what you need to do to get it. Our second principle is about how to get past the hurdles that pop up along the way.

Principle #2: See how perfect the present really iseven when it clearly is not.

Some days you just can't win and everything seems to go wrong. Imagine this: you wake up to a seemingly normal day until your shower is cold, your coffee doesn't taste right, your dog is pulling the stuffing out of one of your couch cushions and your car dies on the way to work. Perfect moments, huh? Admittedly, sometimes it is hard to see our lessons.

One wise business owner once shared that they thought these moments served as the Universe testing our commitment to our goals. By forcing us to stop and face reality instead of barreling forward uninhibited towards our goals, we have to re-evaluate if we really want it bad enough to keep going. Each moment serves as a lesson and it is up to us whether we listen or not.

Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, came up with this equation for success: Event + Reaction = Outcome. Depending on your reaction to a particular event determines your outcome. You can choose to let an unfortunate incident ruin your day, or you can learn your lesson from it and go on with your day unaffected. Maybe it serves as a reminder that you need to slow down, maybe it's a reminder to get organized or to be more patient. Whatever the lesson, listen up and make the most of it!

Principle #3: Become irresistibly attractive to yourself:

By living authentically according to your purpose, your vision and your choices, you become a magnet for others who have similar viewpoints. Personally, this means you surround yourself with people who understand you and can help you fulfill your needs. In business, this means you are attracting your ideal clients.

Have you ever thought about your ideal client? What if you were working with people everyday that you loved working with? It can happen! By knowing yourself and what type of people you enjoy being around and work best with, you can start attracting those personality types to you. Try to decipher whom you know that inspires and challenges you. Seek out those types as you move forward.

We tend to attract people who are similar to ourselves, who make us feel safe. Remember to add some to your list who really challenge you as well. Once you are comfortable in your own confidence, you will exude a personality that people want to be around. Soon, you can't help but draw others in who want to be around you! Once you've become irresistibly attractive to yourself, then you can market your talents shamelessly.

Principle #4: Market your Talents Shamelessly:

Take a moment and write down 2 talents that you are most proud of. What made those two come to mind immediately? How can you (or do you?) utilize those skills each day personally and professiona5B4lly?

Whether we are selling a service or a product, most of the time we are really selling ourselves. As we are the face and the voice, our customers must relate to us. If you are embarrassed or unclear about your true talents, you cant sell them personally or professionally. Once you are clear about your skills, you can use them to your advantage.

We each have a challenge everyday to be our best. Often, we dont measure up. Be it fear that we are not important enough, that we dont deserve it, or that someone will say the dreaded word no to us, we are afraid to be brilliant. If we choose to allow this fear to take over, we do a disservice to ourselves and to others.

By making that choice, you deprive the world of knowing how truly amazing you are and what a truly amazing product you have to offer. If you dont feel that way about your product, perhaps you are selling the wrong thing! Our final and most important principle is to eliminate delay.

Principle #5: Eliminate Delay - Time is expensive.

"I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life's greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in re21FCgret." -Tony Robbins

All of your yesterdays have past and tomorrow might not exist, so why waste today? Start with the thing you fear most. By tackling the big objects first, you free up your mind (and your nerves) for more opportunity. Often, the fearful tasks are not as bad as the imagination creates them to be.

Its also important to take care of any little tasks that you are tolerating. Each day those tiny need-to-do tasks take up room in your mind. Creating an abundance of time by clearing out the small tasks allows for more freedom and less stress. Be intentional about taking care of things as they come up.

Once you have more time, you can dream up bigger goals to add to your vision. This brings us back to Principle number one, which will continue to grow and change. Dont waste any more of the time you have to market your talents and show the world what you have to offer. Dream big, dont let your head get in the way and create time to fully go after everything you want. You deserve it!

Katie Mattson is the owner and professional coach of Momentum Coaching. Acting as a catalyst, Katie helps her clients create awareness and motivation. She works with individuals and small groups clarify their vision and goals, have confidence to face their fears and strengthen their core abilities to go after what they want in life.

For more information, to request a complimentary sample session, or to sign up for her FREE newsletter, visit

Theodore Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson

Entrepreneurs Pave The Path To Wealth

What does wealth mean to you? Different societies define wealth differently. Probably the most common interpretation relates to the amount of money one earns. Or perhaps a high net worth. In a third world country, it may be as basic as owning a housing structure or having enough food to eat.

The American Heritage dictionary defines wealth as an abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches. This definition seems to closely align the American concept. Actually the term wealth derives from the old English word weal. which means well-being or welfare. Amazing isnt it how far we have strayed. Current terminology has wealth and welfare at the absolute opposite ends of the economic scale.

The current preoccupation of many, if not most, North Americans revolves around wealth creation. Robert Kiyosaki details his ideas in his cash-flow quadrant. He explains the least likely employment status for financial security is as an employee. As an employee you have very little control over your income, duties or work schedule. Consequently, an employee has the least likelihood of wealth creation.

Self-employed status raises the bar slightly. At least in this capacity, the individual retains more control of time, earnings and creativity. Being a self-employed entrepreneur increases the potential for wealth creation. Michael Gerber agrees that The entrepreneur in us sees opportunities everywhere we look, but many people see only problems everywhere they look. The entrepreneur in us is more concerned with discriminating between opportunities than he or she is with failing to see the opportunities. Now take pure entrepreneurship to an even higher level on the cash-flow quadrant. Rise from self-employed to business owner. The business owner has ultimate control over income, work schedule and business creativity. Not only that, but the business owner leverages individual time and effort by also earning from the time, effort and creativity of his/her employees. At the business owner level, income is no longer restricted to personal production. At this point, entrepreneurship not only buds but develops full blown blossoms. Entrepreneurs thrive on creativity.

Entrepreneurs existed from the beginning of history. People have been creating, inventing and trading from the beginning of time. Even though the forms and techniques of business have changed with the evolution of commerce, the basic principles thread throughout history. Entrepreneurs have been creating wealth since the Stone Age. Entrepreneurs are the life blood on an economy. They stimulate the circulation of money. Entrepreneurs in a real sense are the creators of wealth and a stable economy.

Wealth creation remains a primary focus of most en5B4trepreneurs. When we list the wealthiest people of the world, we see the names of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, and Donald Trump to name just a few. Each and every one of these wealthy men created their fortunes through entrepreneurship. In fact, most of them progressed from self-employed to business owner to investor. Investor is the ultimate in the cash-flow quadrant. With investor status, your money works for you instead of you working for your money.

As a rule, wealth creation is not an overnight process. The only instant acceleration to wealth is likely to be winning the lottery. Personally, I would not count on that method. Becoming an entrepreneur and progressing from self-employed through business owner to investor remains the most likely and most predictable method. Predictable, if you seize the opportunity when it presents itself. When opportunity knocks, the prepared answer the door. The lazy complain about the noise. Are you prepared and ready to seize the moment? Entrepreneurs eagerly answer the door.

Entrepreneurs take risks. They exhibit focus, commitment, determination, creativity and persistence. Is the road to riches always smooth and upward? No. It is not. Study the financial path of most extremely wealthy individuals and you will find scary financial lows immediately before the huge explosion to wealth. Jim Rohn talks about not having $2.00 to buy Girl Scout cookies. That was 882his turning point to achieve his fame and fortune. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson experienced extreme financial lows immediately before the Chicken Soup series skyrocketed to the top of the charts. No one said the entrepreneurship road was smooth and easy, but it certainly has wonderful results for those determined souls who persist. Winners persist and achieve. To true entrepreneurs, failure is not an option. Opportunities are usually wearing a disguise of work clothes. Or as Ann Landers phrased it Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people dont recognize them.

Ah what sweet rewards for those who are innovative, consistent and persistent. Entrepreneurs create wealth. The recently released billionaire list was composed of eighty percent (80%) entrepreneurs. Are you ready for the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship? Are you ready for wealth? Success is a choice. Wealth is a choice.

26 years experience as a successful entrepreneur, post-graduate degrees in Communication and Alternate Dispute Resolution, and a proven track record as a teacher, coach and mentor, revealed the success formula.

Network marketing achievements for the last 4 years. Leadership Support Team, Leadership Award Synergy Saturday, and selected as Consultant of the Month by Network Marketing Magazine in July 2007.

Elaine Love, Owner
Results For Life LLC
Certified Master M3 Consultant

Choice And The Big Picture
Psychic Profession

Attaboy! Encouraging Phrases That Build Confidence

Home, home on the range,
Where never is heard
A discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day!

Oh, that would be wonderful but most parents and bosses tend to feel that criticism and pointing out what is wrong will make others want to do what is right. However, people cannot improve unless they feel good enough about themselves to believe they are capable of improvement. An encouraging parent stops using negative comments about a child and uses methods, words and actions that indicate a respect for the child and a faith in his abilities.

Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame often cites a study done by some graduate students who followed a normal group of two-year olds around for a day. These average kids 5B4from average homes received 432 negative statements as opposed to 32 positive statements daily. The teachers, aides and other children were constantly saying, Dont touch that. No, it is done this way No, you are not big enough. The national PTO (Parent teacher Organization) found the ratio of praise to criticism of school age children to be 18 negative to each positive. It is such automatic action to state things in the negative; we have to learn the words to use in encouraging our children.

Encouragement is the process of focusing on your childrens assets and strengths in order to build their self-confidence and feelings of worth. I like to think of the word encourage broken into en courage meaning I am giving you the gift of courage. Inherent in that gift is the idea that it is okay to take risks and perhaps even to fail, but to go ahead and try it anyway. We need to convey though words and gestures that we appreciate their efforts and improvement not just their accomplishments. We need to make sure they understand that our love and acceptance is not dependent on their behavior or winning the prize in soccer.

Here is a list of 15 encouraging words and phrases that will assist your child to keep trying and increase his self-esteem and confidence.

1. I like the way you handled that 2. Wow, you really thought out the solution to that problem 3. I have faith in your abilit5B4y 4. I appreciate what you did 5. You are really showing improvement 6. I know you will figure out a good way to do it next time 7. You dont have to be perfect. Effort and improvement are important. 8. I trust you to be responsible 9. It must make you proud of yourself when you accomplish something like that 10. You are a valuable part of the team 11. It is okay to make a mistake, we all do. What do you think you learned from it? 12. How can we turn this into a positive? 13. Im proud of you for trying 14. Ill bet by next year you will be able to handle it, you just need to grow a little 15. I know you are disappointed that you didnt win, but youll do better next time.

Good luck in your efforts to be more positive and encouraging to those around you. Your children, family and employees will be grateful and will rise to your expectations. You do an important work.

2004 Judy H. Wright, Parent Educator, author and international speaker.

Please go to for a full line of books, workshops and cds on parenting, as well as FREE e-zine, Artichoke-finding the heart of the story in the journey of life.

Judy H. Wright,Parent and family educator, author, international speaker and persona3DAl historian located in beautiful Missoula, Montana phone: 406-549-9813 Email: For FREE reports and ezine subscribtion, please go to:

Bahai Faith