
Friday, May 30, 2008

The Law of Attraction and the Necessity of Choosing Good Thoughts

In this mind control moment I invite you to think about the necessity of choosing good thoughts. Depending on the research studies you review, it is estimated that during the course of one single day we have somewhere between 15,000 to 60,000 thoughts. Many of which "fly under our radar".

These same studies would suggest that of those thoughts close to 80% are negative in some way or form. Wow!. Think about this for a moment. If we do in fact have 60,000 thoughts per day that would mean 48,000 would surface in some negative form. STOP right now. What is the first thing going through your mind?... This is silly, Who cares, I love chocolate, I hate my hair, I feel amazing, I feel fat, I wish I had more money... the list could go on. Be honest with yourself. No one has to know what the first thing that came to mind was... Interesting, isn't it. The research appears to be correct. Now think about your current life situation or work experience. Do the "automatic" thoughts and experiences line up. My experience would suggest they do. So, if you are feeling good, having good thoughts (how ever that would be defined) and tend to think about positive or "prosperous" things, it could be argued that your personal and work experience would likely be evaluated in that same positive manner. The point here is simple. What we feed our minds- in the form of thoughts, words, images, feelings ,and moods c2238an create our self image and this will be reflected in our experience of our life, day-by-day, whether that be good or bad. Given this framework it is very easy to see the connection between negative thoughts and negative outcomes.

By now, most everyone on the planet has heard about the Law of attraction. In very simple form it indicates that what you focus on, you receive, no exclusions. What you focus on you receive. Simple, right. Well in fact in many ways it is. Stop focusing on the negative. Change any negatives to positives. Work on seeing the good versus the bad or ugly. All simple suggestions, but ones that take conscious effort!

The trick here is being consistent, or least increasing the consistency with which you choose to have good thoughts whether they are related to wealth, relationships, health, abundance, career, or anything else that is important in your life.

I would bet that everyone reading this article would have at least one experience where they not only fed their minds good thoughts but that the outcome very shortly thereafter was positive. It is not a coincidence that when you feel happy, you also experience other happy people. When you feel good about yourself other respond to you in more favourable ways. This is the Law of Attraction at work, quietly, consistently, and methodically bringing forth exactly what you were focusing on. No questions, no effort, no strain. This is really the secret isn't it.

Your "assignment" going forward is to not only to remember the necessity of choosing good thoughts, but also to practice saying, thinking and feeling them as well! Good luck, and may you receive exactly what you think!

Dr. Richard Kercz is an Executive Behavioural Profiler, psycho-organizational consultant, motivational speaker and success coach on issues related to developing human potential in and out of organizations.

He has profiled over 2800 senior level executives across Canada and the United States and is considered a national expert on issues related to identifying, selecting, and developing high performers in all walks of life.

He has an active Email/Tele-Coaching practice working with clients on issues related to effective leadership, work success, work-life balance, prosperity consciousness, stress management, career development, and developing human potential.

He can be reached directly via email at

Successfull Living

Is the Law of Attraction Selfish?

Wondering if the Law of Attraction is selfish is like asking is it wrong to be happy. All that anyone wants is to be happy with life, and everyone has different ways of creating a fulfilling life. Some of us choose to explore the Law of Attraction to help us learn to live in joy, and at the same time make our lives worth living by attaining what we desire. But how can your being happy help others?

First, you make a conscious decision to be happy. You see life as a wonderful gift you've been given and you begin to manifest what you desire in your life through the Law of Attraction.

Soon your spouse sees how joyous you are these days and she starts to relax and decides that she too will 'live' life and she starts waking up perkier and less concerned about the irritants in her life. Then the kids see that Mom and Dad are nice and relaxed and actually laughing more, and even playing. Your sister and her family drop by for a visit and want to know the secret to your happiness and success. You tell her. Her husband and she get on the band wagon and create a more fulfilling life for themselves.

Do you see where this is going? By your making a conscious effort to enjoy life you have positively affected the lives of others. But don't just stop at your spouse and family. When you go to the grocery store, when you go to work, when you go to the video store, your infectious joy will create more joy in others. Tell me, how is this selfish?

The Law of Attraction is very giving if you let it. When you help another, you5B4 will receive help from the Universe as well. Do you help so that you can receive more back? You could, but giving and helping with a glad heart is the right thing to do. The fact that you will receive the same treatment is just a wonderful side effect.

The groups accusing the Law of Attraction of being selfish just don't understand the Law of Attraction or how it works. When someone doesn't understand something, they tend to pick out points they think they understand and tear it apart from their perspective. That is from their perspective. Many people can't fathom that it could be as easy as 1-2-3 to start having a life of joy and live the life that they desire through the Law of Attraction.

Happiness isn't something you attain to. You have to find happiness in your life now, and be grateful for it. As you become grateful and start living in joy, everything else will fall into place. No matter what you are going through, you can find some happiness in your life. If you believe your happiness will come only when your finances are straight or when you have found the perfect relationship, it is a fallacy. Find and live happiness now and you will then see your life morph into the life you desire.

When you think and feel on what you want and pay less attention to what you don't want, this will bring you situations and people in your life that will make you happy. Being happy isn't selfish. Being happy will hel503p everyone around you. The ultimate goal is to live your life and be happy while doing it. Want to get up in the morning, and having your job feel like play? Enjoy life as you want your life to be through the Law of Attraction.

Beth McCain and her husband, Lee, are instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction in life to attain what you desire.

For more information, please visit:

History Of Monotheism

Does Using the Word "Want" Contradict the Law of Attraction?

If you're familiar with my work you'll often hear me use the phrase "So, what do you want?" In my book and other articles, I often refer to wanting to attract something. In short I use the word 'want'.

A number of people have been trained not to use the word 'want.' They have been told that when you use the word 'want' you're actually holding the vibration of not having 'it'. Or when you use the word 'want' you're coming from a place of lack.

For example, the word homework excites some people yet causes a negative vibration in others. Words can feel negative to one person and feel positive to another.

To illustrate my point, read the next two scenarios and after each one decide whether you are sending a negative vibration or a positive vibration.Note that the words are exactly the same.

Scenario # 1 - You notice something that you desire but in your head you catch yourself thinking, "I'll never get one as it's out of my reach." Then you say "I want one of those", in a whiny voice. (What vibrations would you be sending here?)

Scenario # 2 - You desire something new and you see it. With your eyes wide open and acting like an excited kid you say "I want one o5B4f those!" pointing at the exact item that matches your desire. (What vibrations would you be sending here?)

Remembering that Law of Attraction is responding to vibrations (your feelings), it's how you feel about the words you say which is most important.

It's not the words you use,it's how you feel about the words that you use.

So the next time somebody tells you not to use the word 'want' you can teach them why using the word 'want' is okay for you.

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience. For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit

Game Of Life and How To Play

5 Ways to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

The founding principle behind the law of the attraction is simple: you get what you want by thinking about it. Of course, people who are attempting to make the law of attraction work for them for the first time might experience setbacks once in a while, but these are entirely normal.

This may be the easiest step in the process, but make sure that you do know what you want. In business, this process is equivalent to establishing the goals you wish to achieve for the year. When determining what you want, make sure that you are as specific as possible because this will facilitate the process. If you have any fB68eelings of ambiguity towards what you want then evaluate your wishes or dreams once more and ask yourself if its really what you want.

People who have powerful imaginations would no doubt find it easier to visualize their goals. When visualizing, you have to make the image as vivid and realistic as possible. The more details you include in the image, the better, because this means you can really see it happening and youre in fact already living the life youve dreamt within your mind.

Knowing what you want and envisioning how it would happen and that it would come true are however not enough for the law of attraction to work. But youre definitely getting there and the next step to accomplish this is by making sure you have the right vibrations for your dream.

When we talk about vibrations, all it means is focusing on creating and maintaining a positive feeling towards all things and especially regarding your wishes and dreams. Think of it as having a permanent smile on your face. The moment you let the slightest frown intrude, your concentration is broken and youd have to start back at square one!

This is arguably the most difficult step in the process because its asking you to believe what you cant see, and this is particularly difficult when youre aiming for something near impossible to achieve. But if you truly keep at it you will see that the wheels have already been put into motion even without you being aware of it. By the simple act of thinking about your goal and claiming it as yours even when it isnt yet, you are already allowing the law of attraction to work for you.

And lastly, if you suddenly have a feeling that theres something you need to do to make things work, then do it. The law of attraction doesnt always work in the background and in isolation. Sometimes, it needs your help. Dont worry, youll know it when the law of attraction is working for you. Give it your best effort and do not let fear of success stop you from achieving your goals.

Discover how to start attracting practically ANYTHING you want WITHIN 6 MINUTES! Grab your Free Mind-Optimizer Report now. You will learn about the powerful scientifically proven method that is helping thousands achieve their lifelong dreams. Go to before we start charging for this ground-breaking report again.

What Is The Meaning Of Life

5 Ways To Use Law Of Attraction For 24 Hours

If you think that using the law of attraction is just visualizing what you want in the morning and feel it, you are wrong! Law of attraction exists in 24 hours a day. If you are attracting it by visualization in the morning and complaining for the rest of theB68 day, you will likely get what you complain about!


Visualizing in the morning is a good exercise to attract what you want. However, you can only attract your goals for almost 5 minutes in a day. If you are complaining about other things for the next 23 hours and 55 minutes, you'll end up attracting more of those things because you spend more time on those activities.

Achieving your goals is tough and almost impossible unless you are visualizing it for 5 minutes and learn how to sustain the attraction for the rest of your day!

These are the 5 ways you can use to sustain the attraction the whole day:

1. Reminder Token

Reminder token is an item or object that reminds you what you want. This is one of the most powerful tools to help you sustaining your attraction. Every time you look at it, you'll get excited and send out positive thoughts and good emotions to the universe. This item can be a set of car keys that reminds you about your dream car, a check with figures you want to receive, photo of your dream house or edited business report on sales and profit.

2. Environment Never Fails

Join a group of people who share same or similar dreams with you. When you are spending time with them, you'll either listen to their sharing about their dreams or you share your dream with them. Everyone is creating a positive and exciting environment. If you can't find such group of people, take a stand and create one. It will benefit yourself and others.

3. Hit The Music!

Set up your sound system that allows you to listen to positive music. If you travel often, use an iPod, mp3 player or have the music in your car. Music has huge influence to a person's thoughts and emotion. If you are listening to sad music, you can't sustain your positive emotions for long. If the songs you are listening are repeating the word "give up", "fail", "lose", 'die" or other such words in your mind, you will send out related thoughts to the universe.

4. Say "Stop!"

When you experience negative emotion or realize you are worrying or complaining, say "Stop!" After saying "Stop!" to yourself, get to realize that you'll attract more of it if you continue being this way. People don't tell their mind "Hey! Let's start to be negative and think bad things." Most of those thoughts started automatically. To sustain attraction, you need to practice to stop that automatic habit of your mind. If you practice "Stop!" for sometime, it will be a habit to stop negativity and start the positive.

5. Uncommon Way Of Thinking

When bad things happened, we usually extend and develop it into a worse thought and emotion. Some people will think that they are useless when they lose their job and some people will think they are a failure and loser when they lost money in their business. We are used to make bad th16A2ings worse and attract more of it. To sustain attraction even you face thing very easy. When you lose your job, you can think that it is an opportunity to find a job which pays 25% more than the previous. Same as the business, it is up to you to think.

These 5 ways are very useful tips to use the law of attraction. Hope you'll use it fully and attract what you want. Enjoy life and enjoy the attraction!

Alex Liu is a the owner of Law Of Attraction blog. The blog is dedicated to share his experience, knowledge and success stories about the law of attraction. Click here and download your Free Attraction Accelerator Report. It's a report about how to use Law Of Attraction in practical and how you can accelerate the process to get what you want fast.

Dr Seuss

The Advancement of Man

The Supreme Being has given us this desire to increase. Thus it will automatically guide new opportunities and your business will increase automatically. You will gain greater advantages and will gain riches. But you should be careful enough not to lose your vision, your ultimate goal, at any point of time. Trying to seek power5B4 and controlling the others comes with this desire of increase, you should guard yourself against it. It has been a chief source of evil in the world, when men wanted only for the self.

The desire to increase and advance is inherent in all, be it a worker or a top ranking industrialist. A physician, if he decides and believes in the advancement of mankind and the world then there will no second to him. He may use any remedy to cure a diseased body, but his belief in advancement will make him successful. The same holds true in the world of religious propagation. The clergy who believes in himself will never be short of a congregation. The world needs his gospel for the overall advancement of mankind. The world needs a preacher who is himself a rich person, has a healthy outlook and feels and acts beloved and great so that we all get influenced by the aura that surrounds him. The same holds true for a teacher who educates the child. A person may be in any profession, it holds true for all. He will never be deprived who believes in advancement of the world by wanting to increase. Anyone who believes in it will be rich. This is the basic science for getting rich.

For advancement, many people do certain activities just to please their boss. They think short term. But it is wrong. Instead of trying to please the boss, it would be better if they kept the faith of advancement intact and direct their efforts towards it. This will hel59Bp them in realizing their goals.

Even if new opportunities are missing in the current job, soon they will find new opportunities elsewhere. If someone is working in the lower tiers of a factory and feels trapped, then also his faith will help him in removing the clutches and new opportunities will present themselves. The Supreme Being also needs to advance and thus helps you in your quest for advancement. But the basic requirement is that you must honestly believe in it yourself, and then only, whether you are a workman or an executive, you can really advance in true sense.

CW Teo is an expert in personal development. His Team Blog: Click here to download a rebrandable Free Report: Bob Proctor On Science of Getting Rich


How To Use The Law of Success

Let us start today with a statement of the obvious. You desire to be a success; it is your aim in life to be a success. Of course you want to do this in the easiest and most comfortable manner possible, and unfortunately for you there is no easy way that you can find.

So, we start with a most excellent saying that I have printed on a poster in my house, a quote from Napoleon Hill;

"You may not like the work in which you are now engaged...

There are two ways of getting out of that work. One way is to take but little interest in what you are doing, aiming merely to do enough with which to "get by." Very soon you will find a way out, because the demand for your services will cease.

The other and better way is by making yourself so useful and efficient in what you are now doing that you will attract the favorable attention of those who have the power to promote you into more responsible work that is more to your liking.

It is your privilege to take your choice as to which way you will proceed."

So what does this mean? In short it means to be able to use the Law of Success, you have to try! You have to exert effort; you have to put forth your intention and your ability to do more than the other person. You have to be willing to do the work that others will not do, to go the extra inch is all it takes, and if you can go the extra mile all the better.

You are reminded of the importance of this, through which you may avail yourself of this "better way" of promoting yourself. The extra things you do will make you stand out, be recognized and then bring on a series of events that will lift you to the levels of success that you desire. This success will not drop into your lap, nor will it be handed to you. You will have to work for it.

Discovery of your success is but a matter of investigation and the use of your imagination. What you are looking for is almost under your nose right now. With this information you may well be pleasantly surprised when you discover that you were standing right over this hidden success, in the work in which you are now engaged.

Success is simply a matter of adjusting your self to the ever changing environments of life, while maintaining dignity, harmony and poise. Harmony is based upon understanding of the forces constituting one's environment. It is therefore, to interpret, understand and make the most of these environmental forces of life.

The successful people on earth have all had to correct certain character flaws before they began to succeed. The most common flaws that stand between people and success are intolerance, avarice, greed, jealousy, miserliness, revenge, egotism, selfishness, conceit, vanity, hatred and the poor habit of spending more money than they earn.

Modify yourself so that you do not display these traits and you will thrive, you will enjoy success. However you must recognize now, rather than later, that you are the one responsible for you, and it is only you that must make the effort. Nobody else, no one else, can take action for you and you enjoy the rewards.

Let us use an example; you probably have a favorite store, probably because they are more pleasing and more attractive to you. In any other part of the city in many other stores you could purchase merchandise of similar nature and price, yet you will find there is always one outstanding store which does more business than any of the others. The reason for this is that in back of that store is5B4 a man, or woman who has attended to the personalities of those who come in contact with the public. People buy personalities as much as the merchandise, and the store is successful as the customers are influenced more by the personalities that they come in contact with than they are by the merchandise.

Your business in life, or at least the most important part of it, is to achieve success. Success; your purpose in life is the attainment of your dreams without violating the rights of other people. Regardless of what your definition of success in life may be, you will attain it with much less difficulty after you learn how to cultivate a pleasing personality.

There are but two more points to cover, the first you have probably heard many times but have failed to heed the advice; "You Can Do It if You Believe You Can!" As we have covered before your beliefs influence your actions, and your actions determine your quality of life. It may seem overly simple but you must change your beliefs to change your life. You do deserve a good life, but it will not come on a silver platter delivered to your doorstep, you will have to go out and find it for yourself and with a bit of effort bring it home with you.

The last point for today is the never ceasing concept of having a dream. Without a dream, a goal, you have nothing to aim for, no direction to move in. Like having a plane ticket with no destination you do not know what pl4D7ane to get on to start the journey. Decide today what your dream is, write it down so you do not forget, and begin your journey to success. With a dream to move you and some personal effort you can have and be anything you desire.

Be Blessed

The Guide to Setting Goals

Ralston Heath recently retired from 25+ years of active duty. Now that his life is his own again, he is working to share with the world all he knows. Check him out on his blog True Happiness.

Zen Buddhism

How to Lose Weight with the Law of Attraction

Can I use The Law of Attraction to lose weight? Absolutely!

Have you ever wondered why some people can just eat and eat and eat and NEVER get fat? Your friends or family may have told you its because of their metabolism and its different to yours.

Not exactly an encouraging statement to say the least. Well what weve just proven is that food has no direct impact on the size of your waist! Ive known people who have literally stuffed their faces at parties, eaten monstrous sized meals and have sat around watching TV all day long whilst they miraculously burn off the fat.

But why cant I be like that? Whats so different?

What you believe to be true is.
What you accept as truth is.

If youve been bombarded with statements such as:

If you eat that, youll get fat
Obesity is genetic and cant be controlled
Its hard to lose weight

Depending on how you react when you heard these statements is dependant upon how your body will react. Every one of your cells responds to your thoughts and emotions. If youre feeling fearful about putting on more weight then your cells will respond accordingly. If you believe that because you are a couch potato or a computer geek, your lack of exercise will cause you to become fat! Dont be surprised when it happens. Do you believe that eating the large fries instead of small is going to probably make you fat? Youre probably already gaining weight. Our beliefs, thoughts and expectations firmly dictate our reality. So if you want to change your reality, first you need to change your thoughts.

Your thoughts can easily manipulate your reality, what could you possibly have more control over than your own physical body!

Your thoughts around your own bodily image and thoughts associated with food is what have determined your bodily shape. Every time that you look in the mirror and see something unwanted you send a powerful message to the Law of Attraction asking for more of it. Your cells react to this way of thinking and within a few months youve managed to gain an extra inch around your waist!

By feeding negative energy into your bodily image, you will undoubtedly attract more things to feel disgust and displeasure around your body.

When you see yourself in the mirror, stop judging yourself and begin loving yourself and your body. Your body carries you around, and you should be grateful that you have one at all! Do your very best to accept your body as it is right now, and decide that you would like to change it in order to give yourself a happier, healthier existence. Make a list of what you do want to experience regarding your body and only give your attention to the things you write on your list.

Accept your body in the mirror, and stop snarling and judging yourself. When you love your body, then naturally your body will feel better and will become healthier. As this happens your body will naturally shift to fit the image that you are holding in your mind: a healthier, thinner body. You will never lose weight while you judge yourself fat.

See yourself thin and beautiful. In no time at all, your cells will respond to your new thoughts around your body. Stick with it and enjoy watching the fat drip away!

Gary Evans is a Law of Attraction practitioner, author and owner of the company Good To Feel Good. Gary is dedicated to helping you attract anything you desire through successful application of the Law of Attraction.

Get your free copy of Gary's 7 Proven Steps To Success e-course by visiting:

Buddha Nature

Senator Obama Funding Rivals Clinton - Could The Money Come From The Law Of Attraction?

There is both a natural law and spiritual law at work when it comes to attracting money. In the political arena, both Senato21D5r Obama and Senator Clinton were trying to raise money for their Presidential Campaign and the big buzz is who would raise the most money.

According to the news media, Obama is giving Clinton some hot competition because he waited until the last minute to reveal his hand. Could it be that both of these senators know about the law of attracting money or do they just have good friends in high places? You go figure.

Do you want to know what I think? Well, to attract money, you have to surround yourself with people who have money and apparently most of the Presidential candidates know how to access the law of attraction; some more than others.

Senator John Edwards has done well, but he is not quite as impressive as the rest. He may be distracted with all the other things that are happening in his life right now.

What this proves is that the law of attraction is determined by the state of mind and focus. The more you condition your mind to the goals that you have set and focus on accomplishing your goals, the more you will be able to attract the things that you desire.

Obama and Clinton did not have as much distractions as Edwards did, so they were able to concentrate more on their mission. Why did Obama wait until the last minute to disclose his amount? It may be just a political ploy and nothing else, but that shows that he is also in tune with the law of attraction and knows how to use it to his advantage. Watch out Senator Clinton. You do have competition on your hands.

However, competition does not hurt anyone. Competition challenges us to be better and to strive for higher goals. One of the attributes of the law of attraction is to accept the challenges to make changes and I am sure Senator Clinton knows that she has to make changes to her strategies to keep ahead of her political game.

The law of attraction does control our destiny, but we have to allow it to work for us and Senator Obama has tapped into it quite well because he started from scratch in his fund raising efforts while Senator Clinton already had some money to begin her fund raising campaign. I am very impressed, Mr. Obama. This tells me that you are attracting the right kind of people around you who believe in your campaign and have seen your drive and determination and want to help you.

You, too, can use the law of attraction to bring money, success, wealth, confidence, self-esteem, happiness, great marriage, good relationships, motivation and self-improvement. Senator Obama is no different from you. He is just an example to show you that you can start with nothing and use your influence, determination, gifts, talents and personality to bring the things you want into your life in a short period of time.

Cheryline Lawson is a passionate author of online books and owner of

and provides informative articles and information about the law of attraction. Go visit her website and see it for yourself.

How To Think Outside The Box

The Real Secret Of Attraction

What is the secret of attraction? You probably know this has become one of the hottest new ideas in self improvement and spirituality. But it isn't a new idea. It is just the newest way to recycle an old idea. Old or new, the important questions are does it work as claimed, and why?

A "Law" Of Attraction?

Here is the basic idea: You attract more of what you think about. Keep thoughts about getting rich in your mind constantly, and money will come your way. Continually imagine the perfect woman, and soon she will appear at your side. It is often presented like this. Of course, years ago, in previous incarnations, it was more common to teach this idea as part of general goal-setting techniques, where it was assumed that you would also be taking relevant actions to achieve your goals. In this latest version, the action part is glossed over, almost as if it isn't necessary.

Naturally, we like the idea of easy ways to get what we want, and of simple "laws" that can help us. Our knowledge of the laws of nature and mathematics allowed men to fly to the moon. Wouldn't it be great if we could discover infallible "laws" of self improvement and success? Simple formulas that get us anything we want - I like that. But "laws" like these tend to be mere probabilities unfortunately.

How inspiring is "the probability of attraction?" Not very. "Think these thoughts and you'll improve your odds of getting what you want" just doesn't sell the books as well as "Think these thoughts and your success is guaranteed by the ultimate laws of reality." But enough of poking fun at the sellers of mystical certainties - let's look at how this really works.

Is The Reticular Cortex The Secret Of Attraction?169C

The reticular cortex is a small organ in your brain, a kind of "gatekeeper" that directs incoming stimulus to your conscious or unconscious mind. With your thoughts and what you focus on, you more or less instruct it as to what to bring to your attention. For example, if you start studying flowers, you will likely start to see flowers all over that you never previously noticed. You essentially instructed your reticular cortex to let in anything about flowers and related information.

Keep your thoughts focused on money, and this part of your brain will make you more aware of things related to money, even possibly opportunities to make some money. Imagine meeting the woman of your dreams repeatedly, and you'll probably become aware of more opportunities for this to happen. This is one way in which the brain works, and we can use such "attraction techniques" to help us get what we want.

But the important, if uninspiring word here, is "probably". If you start to believe that such "secrets" always work, you will likely give up on the idea when you fail, or blame yourself (you just didn't have enough faith, right?). Neither of these is a very productive approach to getting what you want. It is better to accept that sometimes things work and sometimes they don't, and that if you keep trying in ways that increase the probabilities of success, you'll almost certainly achieve your goals more often.

Focus on your goals then, because it does increase the probabilities of success, by putting the reticular cortex to work. However, you should also learn what you need to learn, and do what you need to do to get what you want. Getting your mind AND your actions working towards that goal is the real secret of attraction.

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more Secrets Of Brainpower, and to get the Brainpower Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

Religion In Ancient Greece

How The Law Of Attraction Can Shape Our Lives

The Law of Attraction is one of the hottest topics of discussion these days. Talk shows, books, seminars, and articles focusing on the Law of Attraction, and how to get what you want in life, are everywhere. But don't make the mistake of thinking of this Law as a "fad," or a passing phenomenon; the ideas we call "the Law of Attraction" are fundamental to every religion, science, and philosophy on the planet. The foundational observation of all wise men is that we are the products of our thoughts; and, with our thoughts, we create our experiences and shape our lives.

If you are having trouble understanding the Law of Attraction, stop studying the Law of Attraction and start studying your thoughts and emotions, your activities, and the way these things are related. When you reflect on this for a while, and look back over the years and years of cumulative thoughts and stored memories, beliefs, experiences, etc, you will understand that the things you were taught to be true, and the things you thought and believed all your life, have shaped every decision that guided and formed the collective experience you call your "life."

If, for instance, you look back over your life as a school teacher, you'll notice that it started with your own thoughts, inspirations, or desires to become a teacher - or from a belie5B4f someone gave you that led you to become a teacher: Good, secure job; summers off; holidays off; teachers are smart; teachers are good people; etc... Everything you've done in your life as a teacher was done, ultimately, because of a series of thoughts that you nurtured, or allowed to grow into what you're now calling a "life," or a "career."

If you had a thought about becoming a teacher - perhaps someone suggested it to you in college - and you immediately said, "Nah... I don't want to do that. I'm going to be an artist!" then, you probably wouldn't register for the classes, or take the certification tests, or go through any of the rites of passage you must endure to be a teacher. You'd take art classes instead. Of course, it is possible that you won't find great success as an artist; and you may become discouraged. And, it's possible that you could unconsciously resort to teaching art based on a stored memory someone gave you that reminds you, "teaching is a secure job." But, whether you succeed as an artist, or as an art teacher, you will go the way of your thoughts.

Gandhi said, "Man often becomes what he believes himself to be." This is very easy to observe; and yet it is very difficult to understand and master. This teaching, along with another of the Hindu sage's gems of wisdom, "Become the change you seek," are wonderful advice for mastering the Law of Attraction; which simply states that, "Like attracts like." And,5B1 we become "like" the object of our desire by thinking about it in such a way that we feel positive emotions, or "vibrations." Jesus said, "As a man thinketh, so it is done to him," and, "Declare a thing and it is so;" these teachings are not contradictory - though they were attributed to different men separated by language, religions, culture, and thousands of years. These teachings are simply invitations for us all to think about the power of our thoughts, what we've created with those thoughts and that power, and exactly who is controlling, or guiding those thoughts - and where they might be leading us. Are we choosing our own thoughts, or are we following cultural belief systems and expectations?

Through observation and experience, you gather information about what might be possible; through faith and courage, you decide what is possible for you. If you think about your desires in a certain way, you will be inspired to act on them in a certain way; "according to your beliefs," it is said, "it is done to you." If you don't achieve victory at first, consider that you have gained knowledge and experience; and, persistence pays, so, "if at first you don't succeed, try again." One of the biggest mistakes people make is to forget that they have been creating things with their thoughts throughout their entire lives; their creating didn't start with their awareness that their thoughts were creative - and experience doesn't, either.57B

You may have to deal with the fruits of past thoughts, words, and actions for some time to come; but don't stop creating positive things for the sake of focusing on - and creating more of - the things you've previously judged as negative. Let-go of those old thoughts; they aren't producing what you think they are - they're producing what you're experiencing thus far. Most people feel pretty dumb when they finally realize how this works and what they've been doing to themselves - I know I did. But, we figure things out at our own pace; and, until then, life is a certain way and, after we learn more, life changes a little. If you pay attention to your thoughts and your life, you'll soon understand this relationship so well that you can begin consciously shaping your life - literally sculpting it with your thoughts.

Pete Koerner, author of The Belief Formula

*For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

Intention Statement

Law Of Attraction - 3 Important Things You Should Know

There are 3 concepts that simply must be part of your understanding if you wish to succeed in making the law of attraction work powerfully for you.

  • Believe your Reality
  • Evolve your Brain
  • Create your Day

Believe your reality

The ultimate tool for making the law of attraction work consistently and powerfully is true belief.

On the surface this may sound romantic, light weight and somewhat simplistic. You say, surely things change because I do something about them, not because I simply believe they will be different.

Nothing could be further from the truth, from a Quantum Physics perspective, your belief, in your reality, is the key to shaping the unseen, collapsing the very fabric of the universe to meet with your expectation, allow me to briefly explain.

Within Quantum Physics there is a concept called super position, basically this is referring to sub atomic particles being located in multiple positions, that is, the same particle being in as many as 3000 different or potential locations simultaneously. When a particle is interacted with through your conscious observation, it collapses to a single point in time and space, and the final location of that particle is determined by where you believe your reality should be set.

Now, everyone is an observer, and everyone is collapsing the quantum field, so your reality is not only made up of that which you believe, but also that which everybody e5B4lse believes as well.

However, there is a reality which is not yet collapsed, there is a world that has not been observed by anyone except you, that world exists only in your mind, and it is called your future.

To learn more about the methods used to generate and strengthen new beliefs, refer to my article called Law of Attraction - Cooperative Reality.

Evolve your Brain

This next concept is vital, and if you gain some understanding if how it works, it will revolutionize your ability to apply the various law of attraction methods like visualization and intention.

Your reality exists for you as a kind of subjective interpretation of your senses, displayed to you from your subconscious mind in a kind of cinematic presentation. In fact, what you perceive from your surroundings is presented to you as a series of sensory images displayed at roughly 60 frames per second.

When you use the various methods within the law of attraction, visualization, intention, gratitude etc, what you are actually doing is physically rewiring the brain, changing the neural structure of your mind in order for your sub conscious to begin presenting a brand new set of information based around your new image of reality.

The most important thing you must understand about rewiring the brain, is that you must be consistent with the methods, the more regularly you visualize and make intentions, the quicker and stronger yo5B4u build this new level of mind. This then ties in directly to the first concept, once you begin to build this new structure of reality in the brain, your sub conscious presents that new reality to you, which allows you to consciously believe that it is true.

Create your Day

Last but not least, you are a creator, and you must learn to use your creative ability to your advantage.

The best creative method I have found for use with the law of attraction comes from the teachings of Ramtha, he calls it "Create Your Day", and here is how it works.

The first thing you need to do is attain a quietened state of mind, and unless you are trained in meditation, you may find this difficult to achieve. There is however, a time in every persons day where this state is natural, it is that moment when you first wake from sleep. This is a very important time, it is the moment before considerations of the day exist, before your existing neural net has begun to boot up along with all of its preconceived ideas about what you should expect in your reality today. At this moment your ability to truly believe a new idea or possibility is open, and you can begin constructing a new framework for reality.

Initially you may not remember to begin this process as soon as you awake, but as I mentioned in an earlier chapter, the important thing is that you activate the creative process whenever you do think about it, and don't be fru51Cstrated if this takes a little while to master, you can even set your alarm as a reminder to begin this process when you first awake, but if you miss that moment just do it when ever you remember.

If you can begin to embrace these three concepts alone, your experience in using the law of attraction will change dramatically. I wish you every success as you reach forward to your new reality.

Kindest Regards


Buddhism And Eastern Teaching

Prayer And the Law of Attraction

How do you get what you want? Do you pray for it, or do you wish for it; or, do you just think about it until you get an inspiration to do something? And, what's the difference between praying, thinking, wishing, hoping, dreaming, or planning? When we pray for something and get it, how is that different from using the Law of Attraction? And, when we pray for something and don't get it, what's going on?

Prayer is simply the act of training and focusing your attention on communicating your desires and emotions to some creative force through the use of your mind, thoughts, and attention. People of all religions pray; and even people with no formal religion pray. Mentally formatting our desires into what we call, "prayers," "dreams," or, "wishes," is an innate human behavior; everyone does it in their own way. But, no matter what you think is answering your prayers, how you think it "works," or what "Law" you believe best explains it, we all pray in the same basic way - by thinking about a desired outcome and attempting to feel and express gratitude, love, and joy.

The Law of Attraction is not an alternative to prayer; it is more like an explanation or description of how our thoughts tend to grow and form new realities. The Law of Attraction is an observation of how our thoughts, feelings, and actions - our prayers, for instance - work to bring us together with our desires. The Law of Attraction offers advice about how thoughts and feelings are used intentionally to create new situations, con5B4ditions, and realities - so you can begin paying more attention to your prayer actions, or whatever "thinking process" you use to change your experience. Prayer is a thing, or action; the Law of Attraction is simply a collection of observations. Observations, by the way, that wise men like Jesus and Buddha would say have no exceptions - thus the term, "Law."

Whether you want something small and know how to get it, or want something big you don't know how to get, you always start by thinking about what you want. If you want something to eat, for instance, and there's food in the kitchen, you simply get up and get it; you don't tell yourself how difficult or impossible it might be, or how you'll probably fail in your efforts to feed yourself. If you want something you don't know how to simply "get for yourself," you don't want to focus on the fact you don't have this thing, and don't know how to get it; rather, you should think positively about your desired outcome and wonder what the answer might look like when it arrives.

In other words, you ask for what you want - with your thoughts - and wait patiently and faithfully, with a sense of positive expectancy. Do those things you feel inspired and compelled to do, and relax; your thoughts, and actions, will lead you to your answer. Isn't this how we think prayer works? We think of what we want and ask, with our thoughts, for what we want - never knowing for sure how things will 5A9unfold - and take inspired action as it presents itself to us. The Law of Attraction isn't a thing that may or may not work; it is simply a way of talking about what might be happening - whether we are praying, wishing, or dreaming - to make our thoughts become things.

Pete Koerner is the author of The Belief Formula: The Secret to Unlocking the Power of Prayer. For more information, go to:

*For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

Mind Body Spirit

Pregnancy and Fertility - Harnessing the Law of Attraction for A Safe, Empowering Pregnancy & Birth

Pregnancy brings up a lot of stuff. Even the most carefree of us can find ourselves feeling anxious about what might happen...the birth, our body, our relationship and a whole host of other factors.

It is estimated that most of our behaviours (95% of all decisions) are driven by our unconscious thoughts and habits. Many of these we have inherited. Most of the time we are not aware of fears that might be hanging out in the recesses of our minds.

But pregnancy is a time when your awareness is increased and you may observe yourself being preoccupied with something that would never have entered your head previously.

And while you understand that what you put your attention on grows, you might still find yourself focusing on what you don't want.

How to Har222Cness the Law of Attraction in Pregnancy and Birth

  • Become aware of how you are feeling about pregnancy, your relationship, your baby, your body, independence etc. Reflect on all of these in turn. Give yourself the chance to hear the chatter of your mind. This process itself, provides relief and reduces the volume or power of these thoughts.
  • Allow yourself to identify all the thoughts and feelings however bizarre. Notice in which areas you are carrying around thoughts that are not attracting to you what you want. Rate each area and identify what it is you are most concerned about.
  • If you are feeling anxiety, you can choose thoughts that are more empowering for you. Write down what it is you would love to feel and experience. Go into detail. Create the scene in your head of what you really want. What are you saying? How are you feeling? What are others saying to you? How do you look? How relaxed are you? How nourished, supported and safe do you feel?

    Visit this picture often and add to it. Focus on the feelings you want and experience them now in this moment. For example, you can choose to feel safe now. Really allow yourself to feel safe. Then move on to feeling supported. Let your cells be filled with support as you breath in.

  • You can also get coaching to help you activate positive beliefs and feelings at a deeper level so these are what you attract.
  • Or, you can join a class that focuses on harnessing the law of attraction in pregnancy and birth.Being part of a pregnancy class that specifically harnesses the law of attraction can really support you in your pregnancy, the birth and your relationship with your partner. It also allows you to bring baby into an environment that empowers him or her with tools to attract health, joy and abundance.

Deirdre would like to invite you to attend her FREE pilot Inspired Pregnancy Teleclass which she is gifting to pregnant mums and their wonderful babies.

Check out Deirdre's blog for more information on this teleclass for Inspired Pregnancy.

Seven Spiritual Law of Success

The Law Of Attraction - It Does Not Work

At least not the way it is being taught by the thousands of people on The Secret bandwagon.

Let me explain. If I think about having a million dollars in the bank, will it happen just by my focusing on it? I do not think so.

If I dream about a date with Pamela Anderson, I can make 5B4it happen. Not likely.

Even with the examples above, does the law of attraction make sense?


It helps you get clear.

It helps you focus.

It starts the process of moving towards what you want and moving you away from what you do not want.

So why does it not work for everyone.

Good question. If I know I would be teaching that and making millions.

But let me tell you what I know about the law of attraction from my personal experience.

Many people spend all day thing about what they want. This is good. But they do not think through what it will take to reach their wants; they never turn it into a goal.

Let assume the goal is to make a million dollars.

How can I make a million dollars?

I need to understand what I can provide to others that would inspire them to buy from me? How much do I need to sell and at what price?

I think it was Zig Ziglar who said find out what people want and give it to them.

So what do people want that I can provide?

How do I know they will buy from me? How do I know it has value? What is that value?

I need to do my research and determine what people want. I need to determine what I can provide. I need to determine what I am going to give up to achieve my goal.

If you are not getting the desired results, what are you going to give up so you can replace this nonproductive behavior with a more productive beh5B4avior? Einstein was correct when he said doing the same things over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. What insane behavior are you keeping? What do you need to change to achieve you goal.

What steps are you going to take? Will you give up two hours of television a day and use this time to do research, learn a new skill or create plan?

What education do you need?

What people do you need to meet?

What skills do you need to develop?

Does the law of attraction work?

Yes, I think it does provided..

You clearly define the outcome you want

You set a date on when it will happen

You understand the value you provide to achieve you desired outcome

You take action...

and you are emotionally invested in the outcome

I once hear the term used called inspired action. I think it was James Ray who first introduced me into that term.

I think inspired action is critical to any kind of meaningful achievement, especially if you are using the law of attraction.

If you are not inspired (emotionally invested in the outcome) you will not take action.

If you decide to take action, you will not stick to you course of action when thing get difficult unless you are inspired.

You will not learn the skills necessary or surround yourself with the right people without inspired action.

You will not get out of 16ADyour comfort zone to take action unless you are inspired.

So how do you answer all these questions? It is easy to discuss them in an article but how do you answer them.

I can only tell you what worked for me. I dont know if this will work for you but I found the answer in a question. Not just any question, but in a very powerful way the question is asked.

If we ask the question How can I? the mind has a tendency to focus on one specific outcome. It tries to answer the question how.

If we ask this question: how the chicken can cross the road? we stop when we answer it. The chicken can cross the road by walking across.

If we change the question to: in what ways can the chicken cross the road? we are now open to different possibilities.

The chicken can cross the road by walking, flying, running, hitching a ride, etc This type of question allows the mind to be open for possibility. You start to see things in an entirely different light. Ask yourself this question and have a pencil and paper ready to record the different answers. This question is most effective in a group. I have seen some powerful answers to some difficult questions materialize.

I have successfully (occasionally) used the law of attraction. When I analyze why it worked for me, I determined two very important things. The first is the way I asked the question. It is not how, but in what ways. The second aspect that is critical for me is a strong emotion attachment to a specific outcome. Let me give you an example.

Several years ago I lost my job. Shortly after I lost my job my wife was in a traffic accident. Her 10 year old van was totaled. She was not hurt but the van was destroyed. Since I was not working I was really worried about spending money on another vehicle even though I knew we needed two vehicles. I did have insurance but the pay-out was too low to replace the car. I was looking at a significant cash outlay to replace this vehicle.

I knew I needed to do something but I was so afraid to act. So afraid I got myself tied up in a knot. After a week of no sleep and lots of anxiety I decide I needed to do something. I had a few requirements: it has to be newer so I was not being nickled and dimed on repairs and it had to be safe (since my wife would drive it.)

Finally I started looking for a good used car.

I went to a car dealer and looked at used cars. I settled on a Ford Taurus. The price was $8500. I thought I was ready to buy. At the last minute I chickened out and left the dealer ship without making a purchase. On my drive home I know I needed to trust myself and since I believed in the universal law of attraction, I needed to trust that as well. I actually told myself if I really believed this I needed to buy this car and trust everything would work itself out. After all, if I took out a long enough note my payment would be fairly low.

About an hour later, I called the sales representative and told him I would be up to sign the papers after lunch. Before I went back to the card dealership I met some people for lunch. It was then I received the surprise of my life. One person at the table gave me a car. Yes, they gave it to me. It was even a Ford Taurus. Her husband had recently died and she wanted a car that was not so big.

I do not suggest you take this course of action.


I think the reason that car manifested was because I had a very strong emotion about addressing this problem, I took action, I did my research and I was very clear on the outcome I wanted. I trusted the process and I took action.

I want to spend a minute on why you should not do what I did.

I spent days worrying about where I was going to get the money. I did not sleep for a week prior to making my decision. I asked myself in what ways could I. before I settled on the course of action. I got my wife involved in the decision and told her my thought process. I did want her to think I had a stack of money somewhere. We were in this together and if she did not agree I was not going to do it.

Needless to say it worked out for me in that situation but it could have back fired. I must say there are other situations where it did not work out. It is not fool proof: at least not for me not yet anyway.

There are some great ideas and some great teacher doing some great things but go into this with your eyes wide open. You need to go along and create your law of attraction with clarity of purpose, inspired action and a well thought out plan.

There are no shortcuts.

Ron Finklestein
The Small Business Success Expert

Mahayana Buddhism

Law of Attraction and Recording your Results

Nowadays people seem to be living their lives at a frenzied pace. Because of this most of the time we don't even take notice of the results we are producing in our life. We use the Law of Attraction (LOA) to attract our desires and a lot of times we don't even notice when we receive them. That's why I recommend you start an "Abundance" notebook. Having an Abundance notebook will help with using the LOA personally. There are several things having a notebook will accomplish.

First of all it will help you to take notice of all the positive things that are happening in your life right now. A lot of times we get so wrapped up with all our day to day activities that we hardly take notice of the good in our life. Make it a point at the beginning or end of your day to write down some of the positive results you have achieved. This will tell the Universe that you are noticing your manifestations and that you are thankful.

Secondly, by writing things down in a notebook it helps to show that you have an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the strongest emotions to help the manifestation process along.

Thirdly, by having written down your manifestation successes you can look back on the. We all go through periods where things don't seem to be working out like we would like. By looking at our "Abundance Notebook" we can keep the "faith" that the LOA is in action and it's just a matter of time before you get results.

So start an "Abundance Notebook" today! It can be as simple as a spiral notebook. That's what I use. It will help you notice the positive and live with an attitude of gratitude.

Hope this helps.

Donald Allen

For more info and a free ebook on the Law of Attraction click here.

Will Rogers

Attraction - Do You Give or Do You Dominate?

We all want good things for those we love. If a family member is struggling or suffering, don't you feel a natural urge to help? And if someone you care about se5B4ems to be making a mess of their life, what's the harm in helping them straighten things out?

It's only natural to help those we care about.

But sometimes our helping -- our giving -- can end up taking more away than it supplies. How many spoiled kids have we seen, kids whose parents gave them every advantage, removed every struggle from their path, smoothed their way through every situation, and the children grew up weak, dependent and petty.

How many young people marry someone their parents urge them to wed, even though they don't love that partner? Or how many go into a career their parents choose for them -- doctors who'd rather be painting, lawyers who dream of building houses, or accountants who long to entertain audiences.

A common proverb tells us that if we give someone a fish, we feed them for a day, but if we teach them to fish, we've fed them for a lifetime. Well, that's true.

As far as it goes.

But there are other things to consider as well. What if you've just taught fishing to someone who hates fishing, and they would much rather be designing clothes, or charting oceans, or flying airplanes?

I think you understand that this fishing metaphor is only that, a metaphor, and that we should take a broader meaning from the proverb. Yes, you understand, and I understand, but some people don't.

My own father was a plumber, one of the best in the business. Despite that, he always felt557 more than a little defensive about his line of work. He felt that others looked down on him because he worked in their toilets.

And even though he didn't ever quite respect his own work, he was deeply disappointed that I was never interested in becoming a plumber after him. He often urged me to consider working with him, but he never pressured me, and for that, I salute him.

Other parents don't offer their children that much respect.

So here's the deal -- you've got the power to get help for yourself and also to send help to others. But I urge you to allow others to take your help and use it -- or not -- as they choose.

After all, isn't that what life is all about, learning to make wise and effective choices? When you give, do it with an open hand.

Discover the Power to Shape Your Own Future. Download the free report "Five No-Fail Tips for Turning Bad Luck into Good... Every Time" at

Secrets Of The Power

Using Law Of Attraction To Break Bad Habits

We have been taught that to use the law of attraction to create the reality we desire, we must focus more on what we want and less on what we don't want. But yet there are times when the things we don't want continue to be created even though we try not to focus on them. The truth is that there are times when we must focus on what we don't want so that we can attract it out fully and see it for what it is. What we don't want could be part of what we want and that is why we are still creating it unknowingly.

No habit is completely good or bad. There is always a benefit that it can provide and a detriment that it can cause. The mixture of positive and negative aspects is what traps most people in addictions. Focusing on the positive aspects alone does not remove the effect of the negative aspects. Most people use the law of attraction in a way that's unenlightened, that's why they keep mistreating their lives. From the place of seeing things for what they are completely, we can truly create in a conscious manner.

The reason why the undesirable consequences reoccur over and over again is because people ignore it and choose to focus on the positive aspects instead. But ignoring negative consequences do not make them go away. By observing what is, you begin to see what needs to be handled because intentions are a package deal. You cannot accept a portion without experiencing the rest that goes with it. If something as a whole isn't beneficial for you, you have to learn to drop the whole thing in place of another.

What you resist persists. You resist something by ignoring it. It is alright to ignore something negative as long as it stands by itself, but if it is attached to something else that is positive, it will still remain if you hold on to that positive thing without observing and resolving what is on the other side. Evolution of being is about learning all we can from a situation whether positive or negative, and then transcending both aspects so that we may be free to move without entrapment of the negative with the positive.

In order to remove something, first let it flourish. We expand a problem by focusing on the negative aspects in order to make it grow to full bloom. It is the little things that matter because they form the foundation of whole systems and relationships. When we treat a fundamental issue as something to be taken lightly and brushing it off, we are actually doing the worst for the problem as it will continue to perpetuate and bite into all overlying issues without us even being conscious or able to do anything with it.

Focusing on a problem and making it as bad as you can make it to be may seem like the worst thing to do. But what seems to be the worst thing can actually be the best thing. Because when you accelerate its effect to the point where you can see the ultimate worst scenario it can bring about, you are able to resolve it at its worst and the only thing that remains will be good after that. It is this paradoxical way of engaging reality that reveals how the un5B4iverse actually works, and how total resolution operates.

We tend to focus on pleasure and avoid pain because we think experiencing one is good but experiencing the other is bad. Pain and pleasure are neutral. It is not a matter of seeing one thing as good and another as bad. Both are forces that can be used to serve you in getting what you want. Pleasure a motivating force that moves you towards what you desire and pain is a motivating force that moves you away from what you do not desire. Using both forces together will give you maximum moving power.

Pain and pleasure works well as a combination if the pain is from something and the pleasure is from something else. But there is a conflict that occurs when the pain and pleasure come from different aspects of the same thing. You are pushing yourself away and pulling yourself towards the thing at the same time. That is why you seem to go nowhere and keep on experiencing the same turmoil of good and bad stuff. Pain and pleasure works properly when they are in alignment and not opposing one another.

Congruence is power and incongruence is powerlessness. That is why people are powerless when they are in conflict with themselves about what they really want. If you want to move from powerlessness to power, you have to turn from being incongruent to being congruent. You do this by stopping your experience of the pleasure from pulling you towards the very thing that causes you5B4 pain. You focus on increasing the pain and negativity of the situation until you become fully congruent with moving away.

Use massive pain as a leverage to drive you into breaking free. The breaking point comes when you finally say you had enough of a situation and make a fully intentional decision to end it right there and then. As long as there is a part that is hanging on to it, we haven't generated enough pain to cut ourselves loose. It is not the pain of leaving but the pain of staying on that helps us to make that decision with full power. When you're free, you don't need the pain and can focus on the pleasure of being free.

Use the law of attraction to pull out the problem and nail it once and for all. Your level of ability to attract all that you desire in your life depends on the amount of energies you have freed from negative issues to channel fully into your desired manifestations. All suffering is the result of attachment. Suffering is not evil but it is a process that can trap you in evil or free you from it. Draw out the evil so that you can deal with it. Maximize the suffering until it forces you to cut of attachment and transcend suffering.

Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life, to evolve human consciousness to higher levels and to revolutionize t3F5he way we understand the mind and reality, because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. When you learn Secrets of Mind and Reality which is the science behind all Self Help, you'll become a Law of Attraction and Manifestation Master. Visit the site: Secrets of Mind and Reality

Refuge In The Three Jewels

Law Of Attraction - Not Getting What You're Trying To Manifest?

What you're trying to manifest just isn't happening.

How many times have you been focused on manifesting something in your life and it appears that it just isn't working? There are numerous reasons why you may not be attracting what you want. I am going to show you what some of these are and ways that you can get around them.

One of the major reasons we don't attract what we want is the fact that what we say we want isn't really what we want. Here's an example, let say that you are trying to manifest say a new BMW roadster. You're focused on it and have raised your vibration on the feeling that this car will give you but nothing is happening. It turns out that yea a new BMW would have been nice but all you unconsciously wanted was some nice reliable transportation. When trying to manifest something you must be congruent in what you want. If you want a Mercedes but deep down you think you really don't deserve to drive a Mercedes for whatever reason then it just isn't going to happen.

Another reason for not attracting something is we get so focused on what happens if we don't get it. Let's say you need an extra hundred dollars to pay an unexpected bill. What often happens is you become consumed with what will happen if you can't pay the bill and that is what ends up happening. You must raise your vibration regarding what you want and stay focused on it so you can notice anything that comes your way that may provide a way for you to obtain it.

In the future when things don't seem to be working out, check to see if your thinking is really congruent to what you want and make sure that you stay focused on looking for a solution instead of focusing on the problem.

Hope this helps

Donald Allen

For more info and a free ebook on the Law of Attraction click here.

Reported Miracles

Law of Attraction - Leave Your Baggage at the Door

How often do you find yourself dwelling on past experiences? Not just the experiences of your distant past but also the more recent experiences. Can dwelling on your past really make any difference in applying the Law of Attraction intentionally? Reliving your past can make a huge difference in attaining your desires. It's time to leave your past baggage at the door and walk away from it.

Dwelling on past experiences that have strong, negative emotions attached will bring you more experiences of the same ilk via the Universe. Those feelings and emotions that you dwell on signal the Universe to bring you what you are focusing on. In this case the signal brings you more hurt and sorrow; whatever you are feeling and thinking.

Can dwelling on past experiences that have strong emotions of positive attached actually help you attain your desires? Yes they can, but you want to be careful of staying in the past too long because the Universe will bring you more past to deal with. Staying 'in the now' is the answer.

Looking back on past experiences to gain insight is a good thing. We can learn a lot from checking into our past at times. It's when you look back and dwell on the feelings of negative that will affect the Law of Attraction in your2238 life. If you look back on your past to learn what you want to do different, make sure you observe your past without the feeling attached. You will have a clearer picture of your past if you can leave the negative feelings out of it.

That baggage is holding you down. It gets heavier and heavier when you keep lifting it up, checking all the compartments, and looking at it. Leave the baggage behind and you will feel much freer. Baggage is limiting and in the Law of Attraction, life is unlimited. Your baggage serves nothing in your life, unless you let it. You can't hang onto the baggage and expect the Universe to see that you think unlimited with your desires. Think and feel unlimited and let go of all your past mistakes and hurts so that you can practice the Law of Attraction just as it should be practiced... no limits, and with ease.

Your life will be much easier when you let go of the ties that seem to bind you. You are the only one keeping your baggage. Let it go and let the LOA serve its purpose in your life through positive thoughts and feelings. And tell those negative feelings to pack their bags!

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on YouTube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site

Law Of Attraction

The True Power of Law of Attraction

One of the greatest gifts we receive as deliberate creators is an awakening to our true power to choose our life experiences day to day. Most of us are used to living our lives in response to the things we see and experience in our external surroundings. When everything moves along smoothly for us, we feel good. When things go wrong, we feel bad. We are constB68antly on a roller coaster of up and down emotions. In other words, we tend to take a passive role in our daily lives, rather than a proactive one.

However, the more we study and apply the Law of Attraction consciously in our lives, the more we realize that our outer experiences are simply the RESULT of what we've been thinking and feeling.

For most of my early life, I remember wondering why life had to be so HARD all the time. Everything was a struggle for me. I faced constant obstacles no matter what I was trying to accomplish, and things rarely worked out like I wanted them to. I remember writing in my diary that I felt like everything was an uphill climb for me, and I wondered if I had been born under the influence some mysterious "curse" or something! ;-)

Looking back now, I can see so clearly that I was creating ALL of it. Every day I awoke with a sense of defeat in my heart, "knowing" that things wouldn't work out for me that day. I envisioned all of the challenges I would probably have to face that day. I dreaded trying new things because I "knew" they would be difficult. I dreaded meeting new people because I "knew" they probably wouldn't like me. (Do you see a pattern here? *grin*)

Of course, all of those expectations became self-fulfilling prophecies. I was born under the influence of a curse all right - one of my own making! It's called Negativity.

My life today is so very different. I'm surrounded by miracles. Everything goes smoothly for me. Things work out the way I want them to. I've become one of those "lucky" people that receive great opportunities without having to lift a finger. I'm happy, healthy and prosperous.

What changed? MY FOCUS.

I finally awakened to the fact that I had the power to CHOOSE the experiences of my life. I finally realized that I've been choosing all along. So have you. We all have.

Since you are reading this article, you are probably familiar with the basics of the Law of Attraction. Perhaps you've even had some success using it in your own life. But if you still haven't fully awakened to your power to consciously choose your day to day experiences, here are three powerful ways to get started doing so:

1) Expect the best, always.

When you awaken each day, think about the things you want to experience that day, and mentally live them as though they are happening now. Want to win the lottery? Visualize it! Want to meet some fun new friends? Visualize it! Want to receive a raise or promotion at work? Visualize it! There are NO LIMITS to the amazing "mind movies" you can create. As you visualize these wonderful things happening to you, you are actually shifting your vibrational frequency and moving yourself into alignment with them - and with other great things that you haven't even imagined yet. Try it, it is a powerful exer5B4cise!

2) Ditch the negativity.

Fear, worry, doubt and other negative words should be stricken from your vocabulary altogether. Not only should you discard the words - discard the emotions that come along with them! If you catch yourself feeling or thinking negatively, do anything you can to shift back into a positive state of mind. Visualize something wonderful again, or do something that makes you feel happy. Be grateful. Be inspired. Consciously choose to be happy. It takes practice, but the more you focus on the positive, the more you'll find yourself naturally being positive with less effort.

3) Do only what you can.

Allow the universe to work on your behalf! If you are one of those people who feels like everything rides on your shoulders and it's "all up to you," let go of that thought as quickly as you can. Begin affirming daily that a loving universe is helping you, guiding you and smoothing the path before you. You don't have to do everything yourself! Do what you can, and then turn over the rest to the universe. You don't have to work yourself to death or figure everything out yourself.

There is more to using the Law of Attraction deliberately of course, but these three steps are powerful in their own right. Even if you made no other changes than these three, you'd still be astounded by the changes it will create in your life.

More than anything else, it's importa4DCnt to know that you are not a victim. You are not a passive observer. You have the power to choose. And you can exercise that power beginning now.

Want to learn more about using the power of your thoughts to change your life? Come along with Wendy as she further explores the dynamics of Law of Attraction, conscious creation and the power of thoughts at her blog:

Wallace Wattles

Law of Attraction - Do You Repel Money?

Although you know of the law of attraction, more often than not you are repelling the things you want including the money that you so wish to have. Here is a wonderful scenario of how you may be repelling the money that you want.

You are sitting at home thinking, "Wow I wish I had more money, if I had more money I would live the life that I really want." And, as you sit there thinking of the fact that you presently do not have the money that you want you begin to feel badly. You may begin to feel trapped. Most people feel trapped, stuck and frustrated. Very few people on this planet ever get to live the life that they truly desire.

Many people will know of the law of attraction, try it out and manifest one thing but never truly get a handle on understanding it at a much deeper level. You very well may be one of those people.

As you sit there feeling sorry for yourself about what you don't have you begin to activate the laws of attraction. That deep sinking feeling of failure and being stuck is exactly what it takes to get the law of attraction moving in one direction or another. It so happens that in your case it is moving against what you deeply desire.

Those feeling of worry and fear only help in grounding you into a condition that you do not want. The law of attraction will give you more reasons to feel stuck and frustrated. Feelings are so very important in mastering the law of attraction. It is not always easy however to unplug your feelings from sad and negative to outrageously successful and magnetic.

After many years of feel negative it can be very hard to get over those deep grounded feelings, however there are advanced practices that do help to unlock your stuck limited feelings and move you into a powerful state of attraction. It's almost magical how these old ancient practices have worked but they have worked for centuries usually practiced by students in Wisdom schools who understood that the law of nature needed to be studied. The laws of attraction work in conjunction with other laws and other techniques and that is the true secret.

You can use the laws of attraction to become a powerful magnet but understand that the law of attraction is just one law in many other laws and that they all work431 synergistically to support each other.

You would not use flour alone to bake a cake would you?

Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.

Byron Katie

Are You One of the People Who Can Make Your Dreams Come True?

Some people just seem blessed. Everything they do turns into gold. Their lives are right out of the movies. Other people struggle with everything and never seem to move ahead-or they do at great personal sacrifice. Why is that?

There are two types of people who make up this world -- Conscious Creators and Unconscious Creators. The Conscious Creators are most often those people for whom much goes right and who can realize their dreams.

However, most folks fall into the second category. They can't com5B4prehend why it seems as if their life is falling apart, why their job stinks, and why they can't attract a good lover, partner or spouse. They feel angry, depressed and victimized. Little do they know that they've actually created their own misery unconsciously!

On the other hand, Conscious Creators have a clear vision of their desires; understand that they can impact the future; trust that things will be OK; and always put forth kind, loving, positive energy no matter what happens. They also have the ability to manifest a better world benefiting the whole!

Q: What's the Difference Between the Two?

A: Use of energy! Like the entire Universe, we are made of energy. Not only are our molecules energy, but so are our thoughts and emotions. Our energy packets can be charged positive or negative, and they resonate with the rest of the Universe. The Law of Attraction states that if you put out negative energy, you will attract the same back. Emit positive energy and you'll gain back positive experiences.

Q: What are Negative and Positive Energy Habits?

A: UnConscious Creators exhibit "negative energy habits." They wallow in the past and fret about the future. Control issues bubble about their insides, and they don't trust anyone. They may have self-esteem issues, anger issues, and are unable to communicate emotions in a positive manner. They dwell on things that go wrong, pay too much attention to critical voices 5B4in their heads, and heap blame upon others. They fear society will realize they are unworthy, which will keep them from getting "their slice" of the pie. They are curt, hurried, pushy, and must have the most "toys" at all costs. Everything and everyone is out to get them, including the Universe itself. When things go wrong, they hang their head in shame because they obviously made a mistake. They rarely listen to their heart, choosing instead to exist entirely within their head and ego. All this negative energy paves their path and they simply don't realize the damage they're inflicting upon themselves and the world.

At the other end of the spectrum are Conscious Creators who exhibit "positive energy habits." These are optimists who envision the things they want and take positive steps to make their wishes come to fruition. It is trust that they have in the Universe to bring them what's in their highest good. They always look at the bright side; and are thoughtful, loving, kind and straightforward with everyone. Frustrations are dealt with positively, not dwelled upon, and they move forward. Conscious Creators are likely to be enjoying the present rather than leveraging it for the future. They don't blame others, don't project fears upon others, listen to their heart and act on their soul's goodness. These people have a sustained, healthy dialogue with the Universe, and recognize their positive energy opens amazing doors!

Q5B4: Can Someone Choose to Be a Conscious Creator?

A: Yes! Just start changing how you think. Choose positive thoughts and banish negative ones. Decide to handle situations with a cool head rather than a hot one. Be more loving, kind and compassionate. Settle on attracting abundance, instead of repelling it. Begin envisioning the life you want and become that life.

Q: What Happens When I Become a Conscious Creator?

A: You transform your life and find more joy in: relationships and friendships; your outward appearance, good health, employment, business opportunities, leisure time, your surroundings, personal freedoms, your home life, the wealth you acquire. That, however, is only half of it. You can also find satisfaction in manifesting a better world as a whole, using your visionary skills and positive energy to clear a path to a better future for all living things on the planet. It's all just a choice away!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World. Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. To join or receive the d287aily vision by email, just click on

Removing the Possibility of Failure

The Law of Attraction - Using Positions of Power To Get What You Want

Understanding the Law of Attraction means finding ways to boost your confidence. Here's how:

Have you ever noticed that in the courtroom, the judge is seated higher than anyone else? That is no accident. It is what we call a position of power. By being seated higher than anyone, the judge has taken a Power Position.

In any business situation and to use the Law of Attraction principle, you have opportunities to assume a dominant role or what we call a position of power. This does not mean that you must dominate the conversation, it simply means that the person seated highest will tip the position of power to their side while likely boosting their confidence.

Here's an example. In any business situation, a sales call or even a job interview, if you are seated lower than the other person, you have indirectly taken a weaker position. This is a mistake, as the other person has a dominant position. It's an psychological obstacle you must now overcome. So, how can you avoid this situation? First, it's understood that you don't always have the opportunity to plan out your business environment. But, you actually have more choices than you realize.

If you are arranging a meeting or a presentation, think ahead as to where it will take place. Think of the environment and how you can arrange a position of power. If it's not possible to prearrange your meeting, many chairs, especially in conference rooms hav59Fe an adjustment just below the chair on the right hand side.

So, before you begin your next presentation, meeting, or job interview, adjust your chair to its highest level. This will create a position of power that will boost your confidence and help you to deliver a better presentation, conduct a more successful meeting or land the job of your dreams.

Interested in learning more Law of Attraction Secrets, such as; Eye Power, The Eye Zone and The Confident Voice?

For Men: For a Free Preview of the new video entitled, "Success and Confidence for Men" where these strategies are revealed, visit:

For Women: For a Free Preview of the new video entitled, "Success and Confidence for Women" where these strategies are revealed, visit:

J M Edwards is a contributing Author, Trainer and Speaker on the Law of Attraction and how to create more wealth and success in your life. To learn more, please visit:

Louise Hay

How To Pick Up Girls - 5 Useful Tips For Picking Up Girls

Having a little trouble with the ladies? No problem! Here are some simple, yet useful tips that you can use next time you spot a hot babe at the bar.

1. Eye Contact

As a general rule, you should never approach a girl without first making eye contact with her. You want to make sure that the girl you're picking up can see you coming so that you don't take her by surprise. During conversation you want to keep steady eye contact with her, making sure to break away every now and then. If you don't ever look away, you appear creepy to her.

2. Smile

Smiling is one of the simplest things you can do that can have a positive affect, not only on the girl you're picking up, but on your feelings as well. There have been numerous published studies that have shown that smiling for a few minutes a day, even if you're in a bad mood, can turn your day right around. So remember to smile!

3. Simple Hello

Alright, so we all know by now that pick up lines just don't work! The best way to start a conversation with a girl you'd like to pick up is to simply say "Hi." A friendly hello with a warm smile and great eye contact can go a long way in creating attraction with the girl you're picking up.

4. Use Open-ended Questions

Now this is something that I've had to work on quite a bit. You must ask questions that require the girl to give more then just a simple "yes" or "no" response. An example of a close-ended question would be asking your target if she likes vanilla ice cream. An open ended question would be; "What's your favourite ice cream and why?

5. Kino Her

Touching, or Kinesthetics as it's sometimes called, can be an extremely powerful attraction tool if used correctly. After talking with the girl for a few minutes and building up a connection, you can use some expertly placed touch to increase attraction. A great way to add touch to your approach would be poi4F6nting out an interesting piece of jewellery on the girl and asking her about it. Don't hesitate at all when going in for the touch, and make it seem completely normal.

If you employ these tips when you're out at the mall, bar, or club, I promise you they'll increase your success with girls by leaps and bounds.

Did you find this article useful? For the best pick up information on the internet and more advice just like this, check out my site here:

Michael Berg

What "The Secret" Did Not Teach You About Manifesting

Like most people you may have seen the secret movie and you may have gone to work at trying to manifest the things you desire. However despite all of your very best intentions you still have not been able to manifest the sort of things that you want.

Sure you may have seen some results but the really big things, the things which are closes to your heart have yet to come.

There is a real secret to manifesting what you want. This secret to manifesting is way bigger than the law of attraction, way bigger than speaking mindless affirmations and even grander than visualization.

Even the teachers of the secret do not tell you the entire story of manifesting. And, that is understandable. Think of entering grade school for the very first time and before you have learned basic arithmetic your teachers are plowing ahead to teach you calculus.

If you were taught calculus before you learned the basics then you may never learn math at all. As a matter of fact you may even grown to hate math entirely.

The same is true of manifesting and the law of attraction. These teachings have been around for quite sometime and they are certainly not a secret. The teachings were studied by people who took the time to learn and understand each and every step.

Most people these days don't want to take the time to learn each detail. Most people would rather scan the net for tid bits of information and try to put it tighter, then they become very frustrated when they do not see the results they expect.

What the secret teachers did not tell you cannot be found plastered on the internet. The secret to true success with anything requires that you have a huge appetite and a burning desire to understand and master it fully and deeply.

True manifesting has many delicious secrets but you must have the desire to understand it fully and go beyond the very basics.

Have you noticed one thing about very successful people? They never stop learning. They always have the burning desire to go beyond their regular understanding to the peek and they will do just about anything to master whatever it is they truly desire.

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